Accompanying program

Accompanying Program to the Deutschlandstipendium at the University of Bremen

In addition to receiving the Deutschlandstipendium, the scholarship holders can look forward to an attractive accompanying program throughout their scholarship period.

The scholarship year begins with a ceremonial awarding of certificates to the new scholarship holders, to which all scholarship donors are also invited. Here, all sponsored students have the opportunity to get to know the other scholarship holders and those who make the Deutschlandstipendium possible.

At the kick-off workshop, all scholarship recipients come together for one day. Accompanied by a moderator, the role as a scholarship holder is examined, the opportunities and possibilities associated with the scholarship are discussed, and open questions are answered. In smaller groups, the participants discuss what is expected of the accompanying program and how the sponsored students themselves can contribute to its implementation.

In the middle of the funding year, the "Bergfest" takes place. This event is planned and carried out independently by the scholarship holders as a thank-you for the sponsors. The focus is on networking between sponsors and scholarship recipients and individual exchange.

In addition, the scholarship holders organize a regular get-together in order to promote a relaxed exchange between the students and the sponsors.

Among the scholarship sponsors are companies, private individuals and foundations. Many of them regularly offer exclusive events as part of the idealistic accompanying program, such as lectures, workshops, company visits, corporate events and much more.

In addition, the Deutschlandstipendium holders are invited to official events at the University of Bremen, such as the Rector's Yearbook Reception.

On a supra-regional level, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Stifterverband invite the scholarship holders to networking events.


The Sponsors of the Deutschlandstipendium

The Deutschlandstipendium makes it possible to support students with a scholarship of 300 euros per month. 150 euros per month come from private sources and 150 euros from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Would you like more information about our sponsors or would you like to become a sponsor for a Deutschlandstipendium at the University of Bremen yourself?
Then click here.

The sponsors of the Deutschlandstipendium can be found here.

Logo German Sponsorship


Universit?t Bremen
Dezernat 6
Gesch?ftsstelle des Stipendienrats
Bibliothekstra?e 1
28359 Bremen

Hanna Fokken
+49 421 218 61007

Gesine Ahlrichs
+49 421 218 61007

For further inquiries please send an email to:
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