Digital Public
Welcome to the Digital Transformation of Public Services (Digital Public) working group at Faculty 3 - Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Bremen!
We research how the public sector integrates and utilizes digital innovation, transformation and entrepreneurship. We take a socio-technical perspective that focuses on the interface of people, technology and the environment. Our research focuses in particular on the following areas:
- Development and application of artificial intelligence (AI)
- Mixed reality technologies (augmented & virtual reality)
- Urban games and gamification approaches
- Technology design and acceptance
Our working group is extensively involved in teaching. We offer courses such as "Artificial Intelligence & Computational Management Information Systems" (MIS-2) and cover a wide range of topics in seminars, projects (e.g. AIxCity, CollabVR) and lectures (e.g. in the new Bachelor's degree specialization "GovTech"). Our students have the opportunity to deal with current topics such as smart cities and regions, the digital transformation of public administrations and services as well as digital innovations for society. Through our practice-oriented projects and theses, we enable students to apply theoretical knowledge in real application contexts.
Our Team:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Bj?rn Niehaves
Secretary's Office: Hanna Westermann (
Technical Employee
Nusrat Jahan Tamanna (tamannaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de)
Research Assistants
Hanna Westermann
MZH, Raum 8050
Tel. 0421 218 - 59878
hwestermprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de