Psychology, B.Sc.

In the wake of the Bolgna Process, in winter semester 2007/08 the area Psychology in Faculty 11 structured studies in bachelor’s and master’s programs, integrating research and practice in connection with existing transfer areas. Students in the Bachelor of Science Psychology learn how to apply proven methods in the practice and develop and implement solutions to problem issues on the basis of scientific insights.

The broad scope of contents and methods encompassed by studies in psychology at the University of Bremen both necessitates as well as promotes a multifaceted spectrum of very different interests and skill sets. Psychology as taught at the University of Bremen is oriented to both natural as well as to social science.

General qualification for university entrance or specific higher education entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur, Einstufungsprüfung).

For more information see application and enrolment.

Enrolment for winter semester, admittance limited. A selection procedure takes place. Deadline for applications/enrolment: 15.07., for more information see application and enrolment. Places to study are awarded through the dialogueorientated service procedure (DoSV). 

Studies comprise comprehensive compulsory modules during which students acquire foundation knowledge in psychology through the intertwining of theories, methods and applications:

  • General Psychology
  • Biological Psychology
  • Development and Pedagogical Psychology
  • Sozial Psychology
  • Work- and Organization Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Personality Psychology and
  • Psychological Diagnosis

Study schedule

A current overview of all contacts can be found on the German version of this website. 

You can find current module descriptions (Modulhandbücher or -beschreibungen), study schedules (Studienverlaufspl?ne) and other course-specific information on the German version of this site.


Language requirements

B.Sc. Psychology is a German-speaking study program. Therefore the prerequisite for enrollment is that you can prove sufficient knowledge of German, at least at C1 level. Accepted German language certificates are published on the internet.


Contact person

Lina Gieschen
Visiting address: Grazer Str. 2/ room 0210, 28359 Bremen
Post address: Universit?t Bremen, Fachbereich 11, POB 33 04 40, 28334 Bremen
Phone: +49-421-218-68547

Student counseling

all professors of the study program, see list of office hours