Information for employees of FB 11

Main entrance GRA4 Grazer Stra?e 4

Opening hours

Grazer Stra?e: Buildings 2, 2a, 2c, 4 and 6 on Grazer Stra?e are open from Monday to Friday betwenn 07:00 a.m. and 19:00 p.m. during the lecture period and between 07:00 a.m. and 18:00 p.m. during the lecturefree period.

Cognium: The building at Hochschulring 18 is open from Monday to Friday between 08:00 - 18:00.

TAB: The building at Fallturm 1 is open from Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 17:00.

It is also possible to leave the buidings after closing time.

Employee portal

Members of the university can access the employee portal on the top line of the university website under "Internal". This requires a university e-mail adress, the details of which (login name and password) also open access to this portal.

A locker of post boxes.

Mail distribution

Grazer Stra?e: Daily between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m. / Grazer Stra?e, Block B

Hochschulring 18: Daily at approx. 12:00 noon / Cognium, mail distribution room 0050 on the ground floor

TAB - Am Fallturm 1: Daily between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m.

Key handover and building technology

Grazer Stra?e: The required keys and transponders are issued by the responsible Building Services South

Cognium: The required keys and transponders are issued by the responsible Buildung Services East.

TAB: via the company Ecotec. The contact person is the janitor, Mr. Pamperrien (Phone 0421-2011210; e-mail: pamperrienprotect me ?!ecotec-bremenprotect me ?!.de)


Students sitting in the auditorium during a lecture


The central events office is your contact for the allocation of rooms at the university. You can get rooms for events here and borrow equipment from the Media Office.

You can find all further information here: /dezernat5/veranstaltungsbuero



Relocations/changes/deregistrations are communicated via the telephone application. The telephone remains in the area and can be transferred to a new user - also via an application. You can find all information here:

Help for using/forwarding/answering machine settings for the telephones can be found at the following link: /intern/service/telefon/online-hilfen


Members of the University can apply for a Uni-Account online. You can find all further information here: /zfn

If you have any problems with your e-mail account, please contact the: accountprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Computer keyboard.

IT procurement/consulting

The employees of Department 5 - Unit 50 advise employees on the purchase of a PC including software, procure it and any necessary IT accessories.

Printing, copying, scanning

If the copier is not working properly, for example if there is a paper jam, please contact dataport directly, quoting the serial number: +49 421 83558 444.

Follow the instructions on this page to install the corridor printer.


Students in front of a tram at the Zentralbereich stop.

Business trips

The Travel Expenses Office is responsible for all matters relating to business trips at the University of Bremen. All further information can be found here: /intern/personal/dienstreisen

Please note that a posting is also required when traveling abroad. If the University of Bremen sends employees abroad to carry out certain official duties, you can apply for a certificate of posting to avoid having to pay social security contributions in the country of employment. Further information can be found here: /dezernat2/service-a-z/e/entsendung-ins-ausland?sword_list%5B0%5D=entsendung&no_cache=1

Vacation regulations

Vacation leave must be applied for in good time through official channels. It should generally be taken and granted consecutively and comprise two full weeks Leave during the probationary preiod is possible by means of a corresponding agreement. to do this, fill out the form "agreement on vacation during the probationary period" and submit it together with your vacation application. You can find the relevant forms at


Sick and healthy notifications

If you are unable to work, please inform the administration of Department 11 (krank11protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de) and your line manager. All further information can be found here: /fb11/fb-11/krankmeldung

Erste Hilfe Plakat ? Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V. (DGUV)

First aid

Emergency number control center: 112


The 5 W questions in the event of injury or similar


Where exactly did the emergency occur? The better and more precise the description, the faster the rescuers can be on site. One person should also instruct the emergency services.


Briefly describe the course of the emergency. This will enable the helpers to select the right emergency services and rescue equipment.

How many?

Indicate the number of people affected so that the control center can provide sufficient emergency personnel and rescue equipment.

Which injuries?

Describe the nature of the injuries so that the correct means of rescue can be selected. (ambulance, rescue vehicle or rescue helicopter)


Don?t just hang up, but wait for questions from the control center. Perhaps something is still unclear. The call will only be ended by the rescue coordination center whenn all questions have been answered. If necessary, the control center dispatcher will give verbal instructions to support the emergency.



First aiders

This is an overview of the first aiders on the buildung at Grazer Stra?e, 28359 Bremen and other locations of Faculty 11. Please note, however, that you are also obliged to provide first aid in an emergency.

Melissa Cherouny, Hochschulring 18 (Cognium), Room 0500

Nicole Hehde, Grazer Stra?e 4, 3. Floor, Room A3030

Anastasia Huber, Grazer Stra?e 2, EG, Room B0210

Heike Mertesacker, Grazer Str. 4, 2. Floor

Christina Müller, Grazer Stra?e 4, 3. Floor, Room A3030

Inga Schachtebeck-Schunn, Grazer Stra?e 4, 1. Floor, Room A1050

Anja Steinfath, Grazer Stra?e 6, 3. Floor, Room 03340

Susanne Stiefler, Grazer Stra?e 4, 1. Floor, Room A1110

Prof. Hans-Christian Waldmann, Grazer Stra?e 6, 2. Floor, Room 2360


First Aid - material:

Grazer Stra?e 2, EG, Room B0240 (Kitchen)

Grazer Stra?e 4, 1. Floor, Room 1010


Other emergency?

You can find further information on what to do in other emergencies on the University of Bremens?s emergency page.

On this page you will find contact persons and guidelines.


Automated External Defibrillators ( AED ) on the campus of the University of Bremen:

  • depot / electrical workshop
  • Cartesium, foyer
  • Ecotec 5 /TAB, entrance E, level 1, stairwell
  • Energy center
  • FZ-Hall 1A (opposite the elevator)
  • Geo, 1st floor in front of room 1190
  • Glass hall, next to the entrance to the student union
  • GW1, level 0, block B in the entrance area
  • GW2, next to the events office
  • Marum I, room 0200
  • MZH, next to room 0200
  • NW1 S 1240, AG Kaminski
  • NW1, IUP, in front of room U2115, IMSAS, in front of room O 2090
  • NW2, A1004 Passage to block B
  • SFG, room 3060, FB 9
  • Sports tower, foyer level 1
  • SuUB, level 1 near the self-checkout system, level 3 near the information desk
  • VWG, entrance area next to room 0020

First aiders Mental health

First aiders for mental health in the buildings at Grazer Stra?e, 28359 Bremen are:

Stefanie Ebert, Grazer Stra?e 2, EG, Room B0330

Beate Heitzhausen, Grazer Stra?e 2, EG, Room 0150

You can find all further information at: /bgm/angebote/mentale-gesundheit


Company social counseling

The social counseling service offers psychosocial counseling and coaching for university employees and supervisor.

You can contact ms. Kassandra Ruhm with questions or problems from the professional field, as well as concerns fromyour private life, factual questions or health difficulties:

Dipl.-Psych. Kassandra Ruhm

Company social counseling

GW2, B 1.060

Tel.: +49 421/218-60106

sozialberatungprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Fire protection

Behavior in case of fire

  • Keep calm!
  • Activate the fire alarm or call 112, report the exat location of the fire or danger and give details of the incident.
  • Then inform the university control room by calling 07.
  • FB11 Notify fire safety assistans
  • Start fighting the fire with the available extinguishing agents, but only if you are not at risk!
  • In the event of fires in electrical systems, switch off the power immediately using the emergency stop switch if available.
  • If explosive or toxic hazardous substances escape, leave the room immediately and close the doors.
  • Show approaching fire and rescue services the way.

Fire protection assistants

NameFirst nameBuildingRooms
HeitzhausenBeateGRA 2B0150
St?verNils-HenrikGRA 2C1190
GRA 63361

Become a fire safety officer at FB 11

For employees at FB 11:

If you are interested in training as a fire safety assistant, please register with the fire safety officer via Anastasia Huber (FB 11). If you have any questions, please contact Department 02,

Safety officer at FB 11

Security officer on Grazer Stra?e

The safety officer for Faculty 11 at Grazer Stra?e is Inga Schachtebeck-Schunn (Grazer Stra?e 4, 1st fllor, room A1050)

Task of safety officers

Safety officers have a "supporting function for the employer [here the University of Bremen]" (§ 22 Para. 2 SGB VII and § 20 Para. 2 DGUV Regulation 1). Their area of responsibility can be defined with three verbs:

  • support,
  • convince and
  • draw attention.

The reference point is the implementation of the

  • Measures for the prevention of occupational accidents and
  • Measures for the prevention occupational diseases


In the event of incidents and emergencies, please always inform the control room. The emergency number is: +49 421 218-07.

For all internal emergencies, please dial -2400.