Notifications of illness and fitness in Faculty 11

Notifications of illness and fitness in Faculty 11

In case of incapacity for work please inform the administration of faculty 11 (krank11protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de) and your supervisor.


Attention! From 1.  January  2023 there will be a new procedure:

Information: electronic certificate of the inability to work and sick leave procedures
Form for your Sick- and Health Report (Stand 27.12.2023)

Information: In the event of a child's illness
Protocoll for the Sickness of a child (Stand 02.01.2024)

A medical certificate must be available no later than the fourth day of incapacity for work. This includes weekend days and public holidays.


mailing address:
Universit?t Bremen
Fachbereich 11
28334 Bremen


To avoid continuing to be listed as sick which would ultimately result in the suspension of your paycheck, it is important that you report back to krank11protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de when you return to work following illness or rehab/cure.