Science Chat is a BYRD (Bremen Early Research Development) funded doc-network. It was founded in 2016 by PhD students in the field of ecology at the University of Bremen. We aim to facilitate exchange between the working groups of ecology, as well as to organize subject-specific lectures and workshops. Science Chat meetings are especially aimed at PhD students in the field of ecology. However, all interested students, post-docs and research assistants of University of Bremen are invited to participate. The Science Chat usually takes place during the semester at two-week intervals, Monday at 1 pm. We meet online or in room 1060 of BIOM. Further information on the specific content will be announced.
ScienceChat: Ecological Seminar and Discussion Series
Previous Events
Date | Name | Title | Concept |
16th December 2024 | Science Chat | "Ugly Christmas Poster" Session | Poster session, Mini-Presentations |
28th October 2024 | Science Chat | "Creepy Science Chat" Halloween Special | Mini-presentations |
8th July 2024 | Prof. Dr. Juliane Filser | Early Career Grant Writing Strategies | Workshop |
24th June 2024 | Dr. Greta Reintjes BRIDGE - Existenzgründungsberatung Dr. Vienna Kowallik Dr. Christina C. Roggatz Dr. Kathrin Litza | Career Perspectives for Graduate and Undergraduate Biologists | Symposium |
10th June 2024 | Dongik Chang | Imaging approaches to study a very unusual case of grain beetle-bacteria symbiosis | Talk |
8th April 2024 | Science Chat | Women and Girls in Science Special Event | Mini-Presentations, open discussion |
Date | Name | Title | Concept |
18th December 2023 | Science Chat | Ugly Christmas Poster Session | mini-Poster session |
4th December 2023 | Science Chat | Tips&Tricks on Scientific Writing | Open Discussion |
20th November 2023 | Dr. Christina C. Roggatz | Constant Change: how environmental impacts mediate the chemical communication of organisms | Talk |
6th November 2023 | Felicia Wolters | Biosynthetic Pathway Discovery in Plants Based on Omics Data Integration | Talk |
23rd October 2023 | Science Chat | Halloween-Special | Mini-presentations/Poster session |
16th October 2023 | Dr. Moira McKee | "Are algae always “green”? – Testing environmental hazards of algae extracts for use as lubricant additives (Project ALBINA)" | Talk |
9th October 2023 | Alexandra Mir Davood Bernal | A case study on animal welfare at a horse farm in Spain | Talk |
8th May 2023 | Jonas Nelles, Sven Gladow | A general introduction to the field of Ecotoxicology | Talk |
Datum | Name | Titel | Konzept |
12th December 2022 | Science Chat | Ugly Christmas Poster Session | Poster Session |
7th March 2022 | Vienna Kowallik (Freiburg University) | The hidden power within – the honey bee as model system to study host-microbiome relationships | Presentation & Online event |
Date | Name | Title | Concept |
13th December 2021 | Valentina Migani (Guest speaker) | Linear Mixed Models in R (2/2) | Online-Workshop |
6th December 2021 | Valentina Migani (Guest speaker) | Linear Mixed Models in R (1/2) | Online-Workshop |
6th September 2021 | Kathrin Litza & Leonie Mazalla (AG Diekmann) | "Drought effects on dry grasslands" & "Hedgerows across Europe: Forest plant species in the context of management and regional climate" | Online-Presentation |
28th June 2021 | Meike Schuppenhauer (BHF Kiel) | Oribatid mites walking over water & Plan B after a Phd | Online-Presentation |
17th May 2021 | n/a | Swedish ?Fika“ - coffee break | Online-Gathering |
10th May 2021 | n/a | Swedish ?Fika“ - coffee break | Online-Gathering |
3rd May 2021 | Melanie M. Pollierer (Goettingen University) | Compound-specific amino acid analyses – a novel tool to unravel the trophic structure of soil food webs | Online-Presentation |
29th March 2021 | Madlen Ziege | Stress and the city? The modern tale of the city rabbit and the village rabbit | Online-Presentation |
22th March 2021 | Stefano Pinto (Bremen University) | Make fine graphs with ggplot2 (Workshop 3/3) | Workshop |
15th March 2021 | Stefano Pinto (Bremen University) | Make fine graphs with ggplot2 (Workshop 2/3) | Workshop |
8th March 2021 | Stefano Pinto (Bremen University) | Make fine graphs with ggplot2 (Workshop 1/3) | Workshop |
22nd February 2021 | Elisabeth Riedel (AG Hoffmeister) | Maintaining a microbiome: how reliable are fitness benefits conveyed by microbes within maternal fecal matter to fruit fly larvae? | Online-Presentation |
15th February 2021 | Kathrin Faber (perspektive promotion) | perspektive promotion - a programme for female early career researchers | Online-Presentation and Discussion |
8th February 2021 | Leonie Mazalla (AG Diekmann) | Dry grasslands under drought stress - what are the effects of recent droughts on these biodiversity hotspots? | Online-Presentation |
1st February 2021 | Gerrit A. Martens (Hamburg University) | Diving deep into the brain of seals - a lipidomics approach | Online-Presentation |
Date | Name | Title | Concept |
7th December 2020 | Antonia Otte (NUB) | NUB Project “CampusGoesBiodiverse” | Online-Presentation |
23rd November 2020 | Cédric Meuiner (AWI) | Impact of global change on coastal planktonic food webs | Online-Presentation |
9th March 2020 | Felicia Wolters (AG Rohlfs) | Influences of the Microbiome Composition on Developmental Success of Drosophila melanogaster | Presentation |
2nd March 2020 | Kathrin Litza (AG Diekmann) | Hedgerows as a habitat for forest plant species in the agricultural landscape of Europe | Presentation |
17th February 2020 | Science Chat (Group discussion) | International Day of Women and Girls in Science | Discussion |
10th February 2020 | Arjen Tilstra (AG Wild) | Denitrification Aligns with N2 Fixation in Red Sea Corals | Presentation |
27th January 2020 | Leonie Mazalla (AG Diekmann) | Re-visiting the vegetation of acid grasslands and wet heaths after 32 years - what has changed and why? | Presentation |
20th January 2020 | Laura Schnee (AG Filser) | Does biochar enhance soil carbon accumulation? | Presentation |
13th January 2020 | Nauras Daraghmeh (AG Wild) | The effects of seasonality on nutrient stoichiometry in the central Red Sea coral Pocillopora verrucosa | Presentation |
Date | Name | Title | Concept |
16th December 2019 | Rebecca Borges (ZMT, Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung) | Assessing the spatial management of mangroves and small-scale fisheries in protected areas on the Brazilian Amazon coast | Presentation |
2nd December 2019 | Jana Michaelis (Hegemann Umwelttechnik GmbH) | Modern Alchemy - the art of turning waste into gold! | Presentation |
4th November 2019 | Elisabeth Riedel (AG Rohlfs) | Substrate dependent role of microbes in Drosophila melanogaster fitness experiment | Presentation |
7th October 2019 | Kim Ferguson (Wageningen University) | Ableism in Science | Presentation Invited speaker in cooperation with BYRD |
26th August 2019 | Carmen Villaca?as de Castro (AG Hoffmeister) | Friend or foe? Parasitism by a Braconid wasp shifts the cost/benefit ratio in a nursery pollination system impacting plant fitness in the next generation | Presentation |
29th July 2019 | Moira McKee (AG Filser) | Mixture toxicity of nanomaterials and antibiotics in aquatic ecosystems | Presentation |
8th July 2019 | Greta Sondej & Christoph Kulmann (AG Mi?cro?pa?lae?on?to?logy-Pa?laeocean?o?graphy, MARUM) | In the course of the student programme REXUS/BEXUS we constructed a life support system for cultivating Foraminifera aboard a sounding rocket | Presentation |
1st July 2019 | Kathrin Litza (AG Diekmann) | Historical or present-day conditions - which variables affect the forest specialist diversity in hedgerows? | Presentation |
24th June 2019 | Yvonne Sakka (AG Filser) | The “ALBINA” project – environmentally friendly additives for lubricants from algae | Presentation |
17th June 2019 | Jana Collatz (Agroscope, Zurich) | Native natural enemies of Drosophila suzukii in Europe | Presentation Invited speaker in cooperation with BYRD |
3rd June 2019 | Thomas Riemensperger (University of Cologne) | Disease triggered modulation of behavior | Presentation Invited speaker in cooperation with BYRD |
13th May 2019 | Renate Kienzle (AG Hoffmeister) | Responses to heterospecific cues enhance Drosophila suzukii’s oviposition preference for healthy fruits | Presentation |
4th February 2019 | Valentina Migani (AG Hoffmeister) | Plotting categorical variables using ggplot in R | Workshop |
28th January 2019 | Bart Vandenbossche (e-nema) | Genetic breeding of an entomopathogenic nematode for better control of the Western Corn Rootworm | Presentation Invited speaker in cooperation with BYRD |
Date | Name | Title | Concept |
10th December 2018 | Sophie Chattington (AG Hoffmeister) | The Lepidoptera-parasitoid complex present in organic German cabbage field with a focus on Trichogramma | Presentation |
3rd December 2018 | Julia Birkholz (AG Elster) | Societal Engagement – Knowledge Transfer and Communication | Presentation |
26th November 2018 | Nolan Rappa (AG Hoffmeister) | Evaluating the use of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana against the Andromeda Lacebug on Rhododendron | Presentation |
19th November 2018 | María Cuenca Cambronero (University of Birmingham, UK) | Bringing back 100 years of evolution in one afternoon (from a Resurrection Ecology perspective) | Presentation Invited speaker in cooperation with BYRD |
5th November 2018 | Susana Simancas Giraldo & Ameris Contreras Silva (AG Wild) | Evaluation of octocoral ecophysiological response under ocean warming scenarios& Spatio-temporal changes in the Mexican Caribbean coral reef communities over the last four decades | Presentation and conference preparation |
22nd October 2018 | Kim Ferguson (Wageningen University & Research, Laboratory of Genetics) | Applications of genomes in advancing biological control research | Presentation Invited speaker in cooperation with BYRD |
24th September 2018 | Marko Rohlfs (AG Population and Evolutionary Ecology) | The Drosophila story – from individual fly behaviour to complex multi-microbial interactions and back | Presentation |
10th September 2018 | Jo?o Manuel Cordeiro Vale Pereira (AG Diekmann) | Bird diversity in the Andean countries: an overview | Presentation |
3rd September 2018 | Anastasia Roberts (Salzburg University, Austria) | Land-use effects on decomposer metacommunities in tree holes | Presentation Invited speaker in cooperation with BYRD |
25th June 2018 | Alejandra Centurión Carrera (AG Hoffmeister) | Linking genetics with life history traits: Proof of principle in a Braconid wasp | Presentation |
18th June 2018 | Sophie Chattington (AG Hoffmeister) | Trichogramma populations in organic German cabbage fields – a genetic, ecological, and behavioural overview | Presentation |
4th June 2018 | Lara Gro? (AG Diekmann) | Native birds but not invasive rodents are the main predators of the Fan-tailed Gerygone (Gerygone flavolateralis) in New Caledonia | Presentation |
28th May 2018 | Rumpa Pal (AG Grabowsky) | A visit to the Australian Center of Neutron Scattering: Critical for localization of hydrogen atoms | Presentation |
14th May 2018 | Cátia Monteiro (AG Bischof) | Is local adaptation driving the transcriptomic responses to multiple stressors in the kelp S. latissima? | Presentation |
7th May 2018 | Arjen Tilstra (AG Wild) | Six month of coral reef related fieldwork in Saudi Arabia: An overview | Presentation |
16th April 2018 | Andrea Campos Candela (IMEDEA-CSIC and University of Alicante, Spain) | Bridging the gap between individual behavioral variation and life histories using mass/energy fluxes | Presentation Invited speaker in cooperation with BYRD |
19th March 2018 | Valentina Migani (AG Hoffmeister) | Looking at predation and competition in an ant-fruit fly system | Presentation |
12th March 2018 | Kathrin Litza (AG Diekmann) | Only a matter of time: Comparing recent with ancient hedgerows | Presentation |
5th March 2018 | Lara Gro? (Master of Ecology) | Conducting scientific research in tropical paradise | Presentation |
26th February 2018 | Julie Stearns | Make an Impact! Networking and Communication Skills for Scientists | Workshop in cooperation with BYRD/ImpulsPlus |
12th February 2018 | Carmen Villaca?as de Castro (AG Hoffmeister) | Unconscious Gender Bias in Science and Academia: How to recognise it and overcome it | Discussion |
22nd January 2018 | Stefanos Banos (AG Reich) | Marine Fungi: Spotlights on an overseen organism group | Presentation |
15th January 2018 | Valentina Migani (AG Hoffmeister) | "Too deep or not too deep? That's the question': fruit fly egg distribution and its effects on their parasitoids | Presentation and Experimental design |
Date | Name | Title | Concept |
4th December 2017 | Carmen Villaca?as de Castro (AG Hoffmeister) | Between antagonism and mutualism: can a natural enemy shift the balance in a nursery pollination system? | Poster presentation |
27th November 2017 | Sophie Chattington (AG Hoffmeister) | Trichogramma life-history traits: a meta-analysis | Presentation and poster presentation |
20th November 2017 | Sophie Chattington (AG Hoffmeister) | Gender-biased perceptions of important ecological articels | Journal Club |
13th November 2017 | Anneke Immoor (AG Nehls) | Impact of symbiosis repressed poplar genes upon ectomycorrhizal function and development | Presentation |
6th November 2017 | Kathrin Litza (AG Hoffmeister) | Introduction to data management using Microsoft Access | Method |
23rd October 2017 | Stefan Christ (AG Hoffmeister) | The occurrence of Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) in communities of native Drosophilidae in South-Hessia | Presentation |
9th October 2017 | Ameris Contreras Silva (AG Wild) | Spatio-temporal benthic community shifts in Mexican Mesoamerican reefs over the last 25 years | Analysis discussion |
25th September 2017 | Naomi Taylor (AG Wild) | Planning a conference | Presentation |
26th June 2017 | Sophie Chattington (AG Hoffmeister) | Distribution of Trichogramma parasitoids | Experimental design discussion |
19th June 2017 | Anna Koester (AG Wild) | From Seychelles to Bremen (and hopefully back) | Presentation |
12th June 2017 | Kathrin Litza& Jana Michaelis (AG Diekmann) | Well-hedged by hedgerows? How traits determine the forest herb community in hedgerows& Demands deviate, or perhaps not? - Soil pH niche shifts in herbaceous forest species across north-western Europe | Conference presentation practice |
29th May 2017 | Yusuf El-Khalid (AG Wild) | A valuation basis for bats in windfarm planning in Northwestern Germany | Presentation |
22nd May 2017 | Moira McKee (AG Filser) | Unraveling the effects of soil components on the toxicity of silver nanoparticles to Collembola - an acute toxicity test in aqueous medium | Presentation |
15th May 2017 | Alejandra Centurión Carrera (AG Hoffmeister) | Control of the Western Corn Rootworm in maize with Heterorhabditis bacteriophora: Influence of field persistence and infectivity | Presentation |
8th May 2017 | Shelby Caughman & Lara Gro? (AG Hoffmeister) | Intraspecific competition in the invasive fruit fly Drosophila suzukii | Presentation |
24th April 2017 | Valentina Migani (AG Hoffmeister) | Exploitation of hetero- and conspecific oviposition punctures as an oviposition strategy in mango fruit flies | Presentation |
10th April 2017 | Carmen Villaca?as de Castro (AG Hoffmeister) | Between antagonism and mutualism: how a natural enemy can shift the balance in a nursery pollination system | Conference presentation practice |
3rd April 2017 | Nikola Misevic (AG Dicke) | Visual object processing in amphibians: Projections from the thalamus and optic nerve | Presentation |
27th March 2017 | Ameris Contreras Silva (AG Wild) | Coral reef monitoring in the Mexican Caribbean | Presentation |
20th March 2017 | Nolan Rappa (AG Hoffmeister) | The Collection, Preservation, and Preparation of Insects | Presentation |
13th March 2017 | J?rn Profe (AG Zolitschka) | Geochemical record of the loess-paleosol sequence Sütt? (Hungary) derived from X-ray fluorescence scanning of discrete samples | Conference presentation practice |
6th March 2017 | Stefan Christ & Sophie Chattington (AG Hoffmeister) | Oh brother, where art thou? Kin recognition in a parasitic wasp& Comparative intra-guild competition in Trichogramma | Conference presentation practice |
27th February 2017 | Kathrin Litza (AG Diekmann) | Making maps with R | Method |
20th February 2017 | Arjen Tilstra (AG Wild) | Disentangling nitrogen cycling in benthic coral reef organisms under seasonal and environmental change | Presentation |
13th February 2017 | Andra Thiel (AG Hoffmeister) | Can inbreeding depression actually be beneficial? | Journal Club |
6th February 2017 | Jana Michaelis (AG Diekmann) | Visualizing data - Introduction to the R package ggplot2 | Method introduction |
Date | Name | Title | Concept |
17th November 2016 | Peter Biedermann (Universit?t Jena) | Ambrosia (bark) beetles and their associated fungal/bacterial communities | Presentation |
26th October 2016 | Arjen Tilstra (AG Wild) | Light modulates thermal stress responses of Stylophora pistillata | Manuscript discussion |
If you are interested to give a presentation at the ScienceChat, please use the Typeform registration to send us your title and a short abstract. The registration form can be found here:
>> Get registered here <<
Alexander Krüger
Insect and Chemical Ecology (AG Rohlfs)
Anna Evlanova
Insect and Chemical Ecology (AG Rohlfs)
Alexandra Mir Davood Bernal
Insect and Chemical Ecology (AG Rohlfs)
Elisabeth Riedel
Population and Evolutionary Ecology (AG Rohlfs/Hoffmeister)
Borbála Szabó
General and Theoretical Ecology (AG Filser)
Jolina Paulssen
Vegetation Ecology and Conservation Biology (AG Diekmann)
Arjen Tilstra
Marine Ecology (AG Wild)
Claudia Hill
Marine Ecology (AG Wild)
Kathrin Litza
Vegetation Ecology and Conservation Biology (AG Diekmann)
Leonie Mazalla
Vegetation Ecology und Conservation Biology (AG Diekmann)
Moira McKee
General and Theoretical Ecology (AG Filser)
Sophie Chattington
Population and Evolutionary Ecology (AG Hoffmeister)
Stefan Christ
Population and Evolutionary Ecology (AG Hoffmeister)
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