
A student in the lecture hall.

That's us

The faculty 2 Biology/ Chemistry sees itself as a research center for both basic as well as applied research in the areas of Biology and Chemistry. Our study programs are research oriented and specialize in developing the key competences students require for future university and non-university career fields.


Studies, Research and more

Students sitting in front of the library entrance.

Study programs

Bachelor programs

International master's programs

International master's program in cooperation with the Faculty 5 Geosciences

International master's program in cooperation with the Faculties 1-5

A person working at a microscope.

Further services

Contents in German only.

A group of small children with colourful jackets and rucksacks.

Offerings for pupils and teachers

Contents in German only.


  • Biology Didactics: Teaching-Learning-Laboratory (BASCI)
  • Biology Didactics: Education for sustainable development (GraphIt)


  • Chemistry Didactics: Laboratory for pupils (Freiex)
  • Chemistry: Laboratory for pupils
  • Chemistry: Teacher trainings

We participate in ...


The Bambara Nut ist an African Crop Plant.

Biologist Barbara Reinhold-Hurek Receives German-African Innovation Incentive Award

The third German-African Innovation Incentive Award (GAIIA) has been presented to biologist Barbara Reinhold-Hurek from the University of Bremen and her cooperation partner biologist Lydia Ndinelao Horn from the University of Namibia.

Christian Wild and his team at the opening event of the 15th International Coral Reef Symposium in Bremen in July 2022

Prof. Dr. Christian Wild – Faculty of Biology / Chemistry

Christian Wild, Professor of Marine Ecology, has received the prestigious Mid-Career Scientist Award from the International Coral Reef Society (ICRS).

The participants of the policy briefing during the opening of the exhibition by Signe Ratso, Vice-Director General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission

Bremen Marine botanists organize EU policy advice on ice loss in the Arctic

The research project FACE-IT investigates arctic fjord systems in the view of the effects of progressing glacial ice loss. In addition to diverse research activities, policy advice is a central task of EU-funded Horizon2020 projects.

Founding members of the International Network for Responsible Biosciences

Building a responsible bioscience network

Although the ResBios project is coming to a close, we hope that we can leave a legacy of promoting responsible bioscience. At the ResBios final conference on December 7th, the consortium was very pleased to announce the launch of the International Network for Responsible Biosciences (INRB).

Microscopic image of a nematode.

USD 1.25 Million for Protein Research

Biologists at the University of Bremen and the IMP in Vienna are investigating the interplay between the aging processes of proteins and the entire organism. For their research, the two were accepted into the Allen Distinguished Investigator program. The award is endowed with USD 1.25 million.

The End of ResBios and Beyond!

Am 7. Dezember wird ResBios seine Abschlusskonferenz veranstalten: "Verantwortung in Forschung und Innovation. Herausforderungen für die Biowissenschaften und künftige Politiken", die in Partnerschaft mit EURADA und dem Horizont 2020-Projekt TetRRIS - organisiert wird.

Fachbereich 2|

Threatened fjord ecosystems: Public lectures of the FACE-IT project

The EU-H2020 project FACE-IT ("The future of Arctic coastal ecosystems - Identifying transitions in fjord systems and adjacent coastal areas") examines Arctic fjord systems in the light of the effects of the ongoing ice loss in glaciers.

portrait of Dr. Christina Roggatz
Fachbereich 2|

“Freigeist” Fellowship for Researcher at the University of Bremen

The Volkswagen "Freigeist” Fellowship has been awarded to the chemical marine ecologist Christina Roggatz from the University of Bremen, who will now receive around 1.3 million euros for her research project. It is the first time that one of the fellowships has gone to the University of Bremen.

Fachbereich 2|

CAMPUS AWARD Goes to Law and Biology Didactics Scholars

Frogs in Ecuador who have sued their country and teaching materials that give students a better understanding of sustainability and modern agriculture. This is what the papers that received this year's "CAMPUS AWARD: Research for a Sustainable Future" are all about.

Logo for lecture series Mindtalks
Fachbereich 2|

Innovations in brain research in Bremen and the surrounding area - lecture series in the summer semester 2022

What makes our brain so flexible? What mechanisms enable us to process the vast amounts of sensory information? How do we establish efficient and adaptive communication between humans and machines?

How to find us

road sign

How to find us

Faculty 2 of the University of Bremen is (for the most part) located in the building NW2, blocks A/B and C, in Leobener Stra?e.

Getting here

Campus map