That's us
The faculty 2 Biology/ Chemistry sees itself as a research center for both basic as well as applied research in the areas of Biology and Chemistry. Our study programs are research oriented and specialize in developing the key competences students require for future university and non-university career fields.
Studies, Research and more
Study programs
Bachelor programs
International master's programs
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Ecology
- Marine Biology incl. international studies of Aquatic Tropical Ecology
- Marine Microbiology
- Neurosciences
International master's program in cooperation with the Faculty 5 Geosciences
International master's program in cooperation with the Faculties 1-5
Research landscape
Further services
Contents in German only.
- Training center for biology and chemistry lab assistants
- Chemikalienlager
- Instrumental analysis and X-ray structure analysis
- Glastechnische Werkstatt
- in-vivo MR
Offerings for pupils and teachers
Contents in German only.
- Biology Didactics: Teaching-Learning-Laboratory (BASCI)
- Biology Didactics: Education for sustainable development (GraphIt)
- Chemistry Didactics: Laboratory for pupils (Freiex)
- Chemistry: Laboratory for pupils
- Chemistry: Teacher trainings
We participate in ...
Prof. Dr. Christian Wild – Faculty of Biology / Chemistry
Bremen Marine botanists organize EU policy advice on ice loss in the Arctic
Building a responsible bioscience network
USD 1.25 Million for Protein Research
The End of ResBios and Beyond!
Fachbereich 2|
Threatened fjord ecosystems: Public lectures of the FACE-IT project
Fachbereich 2|
“Freigeist” Fellowship for Researcher at the University of Bremen
Fachbereich 2|
CAMPUS AWARD Goes to Law and Biology Didactics Scholars
Fachbereich 2|
Innovations in brain research in Bremen and the surrounding area - lecture series in the summer semester 2022
How to find us
How to find us
Faculty 2 of the University of Bremen is (for the most part) located in the building NW2, blocks A/B and C, in Leobener Stra?e.