Campus Map


Achterstra?e 30 (BIPS)

Achterstra?e 30

Building info

Akademie für Weiterbildung

Bibliothekstra?e 2a

Building info

Akademie für Weiterbildung (Unicom)

Mary-Somerville-Stra?e 3

Building info

Arbeitswissenschaftliches Institut Bremen (AIB) (HS40)

Hochschulring 40

Building info

Betriebshof (BH)

Klagenfurter Stra?e

Building info

Biologischer Garten (BioG)


Building info

Bremer Goldschl?gerei (BEGO)

Wilhelm-Herbst-Str. 1

Building info

Bremer Innovations- und Technik-Zentrum (BITZ)

Fahrenheitstra?e 1

Building info

Bremer Institut für angewandte Strahltechnik (BIAS)

Klagenfurter Stra?e 5

Building info

Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH (BIBA)

Hochschulring 20

Building info


Enrique-Schmidt-Stra?e 5

Building info

Cognium (Cog)

Hochschulring 18

Building info

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

Robert-Hooke-Strasse 7

Building info


Robert-Hooke-Stra?e 1

Building info

Ecotec 5, Am Fallturm 1 (FZHB, IFW, ITB, IFIB, TAB) (ECO5)

Am Fallturm 1

Building info

Energiezentrale (EZ)

Leobener Stra?e 11

Building info

Fahrenheithaus (FH)


Building info

Fahrenheithaus (FH2)


Building info

Fallturm (ZARM)

Am Fallturm 2

Building info

Forschungsverfügungsgeb?ude (FVG)

Wiener Stra?e / Ecke Celsius

Building info

Forschungzentrum Bürogeb?ude (FZB)

Badgasteiner Str 3

Building info

Forum am Domshof (UFO)

Domshof 26

Building info

Galileo-Residenz (GR)

Fahrenheitstra?e 19-25

Building info

G?stehaus Teerhof (GHT)

Auf dem Teerhof 58

Building info

Geb?ude für LIcht- und Optische TechnologieN (LION)

Klagenfurter Stra?e

Building info

Geisteswissenschaften 1 (GW1)


Building info

Geisteswissenschaften 1, H?rsaalgeb?ude (GW1-HS)


Building info

Geisteswissenschaften 2 (GW2)

Universit?ts-Boulevard 11/13

Building info

Geowissenschaften (GEO1, GEO2) (GEO)

Klagenfurter Stra?e

Building info

Glashalle (Zentralbereich A), Studentenhaus (StH)

Bibliothekstra?e 7

Building info

Grazer Stra?e 2 (GRA2)

Grazer Stra?e 2

Building info

Grazer Stra?e 2a (GRA2A)

Grazer Stra?e 2a

Building info

Grazer Stra?e 2b (GRA2B)

Grazer Stra?e 2b

Building info

Grazer Stra?e 2c (GRA2C)

Grazer Stra?e 2c

Building info

Grazer Stra?e 4 (GRA4)

Grazer Stra?e 4

Building info

Grazer Stra?e 6 (GRA6)

Grazer Stra?e 6

Building info

Grazer Stra?e 8 (GRA8)

Grazer Stra?e 8

Building info

Haus am Fleet (WiWi 2)

Max-von-Laue-Stra?e 1

Building info

Haus an der Allee (WiWi 1)

Enrique-Schmidt-Stra?e 1

Building info

H?rsaalgeb?ude (HS)

Universit?ts-Boulevard 15

Building info

Ingenieurwissenschaften (IW)

Badgasteiner Stra?e 1

Building info

Ingenieurwissenschaften 3 (IW3)

Am Biologischen Garten 2

Building info

Institut für Werkstofftechnik (Halle 2A/2B) (IWT)

Badgasteiner Stra?e 3

Building info

Konzerthaus Glocke

Domsheide 6-8

Labor für Metallspritztechnik (LMT)

Badgasteiner Stra?e 4

Building info

Labor für Mikrozerspanung (LFM)

Badgasteiner Stra?e 2

Building info

Lehr- und Forschungsgeb?ude für die Biologie (BIOM)

James-Watt-Str. 1

Building info

Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung (ZMT)

Fahrenheitstra?e 6

Building info

Linzer Str. 13 (BIMAQ) (LINZ13)

Linzer Stra?e 13

Building info

Linzer Str. 9a (SFB 597) (Linz9)

Linzer Stra?e 9a

Building info

Linzer Stra?e 4 (LINZ4)

Linzer Stra?e 4

Building info

Linzer Stra?e 8-10 (LINZ8-10)

Linzer Stra?e 8-10

Building info

Marum (Marum I)

Leobener Stra?e 8

Building info

Mary-Somerville-Strasse (BIGSSS, InIIS, IfS, SOCIUM) (Unicom)

Mary-Somerville-Stra?e 1-9

Building info

Mary-Somerville-Strasse 2 (Unicom 2)

Mary-Somerville-Stra?e 2

Building info

Max-Planck-Institut (MPI)

Celsiusstra?e 1

Building info

Mehrzweckhochhaus (MZH)

Bibliothekstra?e 5

Building info

Naturwissenschaften 1 (NW1)

Otto-Hahn-Allee 1

Building info

Naturwissenschaften 2 (NW2)

Leobener Stra?e

Building info

NW2-Laborersatzfl?chen (LEF)


[Container behind Betriebshof]

Building info

Osteuropa-Geb?ude (OEG)

Klagenfurter Stra?e 8

Building info

Pavillon Universit?tsallee 1 (amidoo, BBB, DHW) (PAV)

Universit?tsallee 1

Building info

Seminar- und Forschungsverfügungsgeb?ude (SFG)

Enrique-Schmidt-Stra?e 7

Building info

Sporthalle (SpH)

Badgasteiner Stra?e 5

Building info

Sportpl?tze am Sportturm

Universit?ts-Boulevard 18

Sportturm (SpT)

Uni-Boulevard 18

Building info

Staats- und Universit?tsbibliothek (SuUB)

Bibliothekstra?e 9

Building info

Studierhaus (Zentralbereich D, Boulevard) (SH)

Universit?ts-Boulevard 9

Building info

Technisches Bildungszentrum Mitte, An der Weserbahn 4-5, 28195 Bremen (TBZ Mitte)

An der Weserbahn 4-5

Building info

Umweltforschung / -technologie (UFT)

Leobener Stra?e 6

Building info

Uni Bremen Campus GmbH (UBC)

Universit?tsallee 19

Uni-Allee 29 (OHB/CeVis) (UNI29)

Universit?tsallee 29

Building info

Uni-Schwimmbad (Bad)

Universit?ts-Boulevard 17

Building info

Universit?tsallee 11-13 (ISL) (Uni11/13)

Universit?tsallee 11-13

Building info

Universit?tsallee 22 (Haus Seekamp) (UNI22)

Universit?tsallee 22

Building info

Universum (UNIV)

Wiener Stra?e 1a

Building info

Verwaltungsgeb?ude (VWG)

Bibliothekstra?e 1

Building info

Wilhelm-Herbst-Stra?e 5 (Bremer Forum) (WH5)

Wilhelm-Herbst-Stra?e 5

Building info

Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Wilhelm-Herbst-Stra?e 12, ECO IV) (WING)

Wilhelm-Herbst-Stra?e 12

Building info

Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Hochschulring 4) (WiWi)

Hochschulring 4

Building info

Zentralbereich B (Mensa, Theater, Akademie) (ZB-B)


Building info

Zentralbereich C (Career Center, Kindergarten, Telefonzentrale) (ZB-C)

Bibliothekstr. 1

Building info

Zentrales Prüfungsamt

Universit?ts-Boulevard 5

Zentrum für angewandte Raumfahrttechnologie und Mikrogravitation (ZARM2)

Am Falltum

Building info

Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI)

Linzer Str. 4

Building info

Zentrum für rhythmische Sportgymnastik (RSG)

Badgasteiner Stra?e 7

Building info

Zwischenlager für Sonderabf?lle (SZL)

Leobener Stra?e 9

Building info

For Download

  • Campus Map

    File name: 20231027_Lageplan_Legende.pdf
    Last update: 30.10.2023

Getting Here

When coming from A1 highway, change at the “Bremer Kreuz” onto the A27 highway in the direction of Bremen-Bremerhaven. Leave the A27 at exit “Universit?t / Horn-Lehe” and head towards “Centrum / Universit?t.”

Ample parking is available on campus and at the University Technology Park. There is a parking fee of 1.00 euro per day on the outer parking zones and 1.50 euros per day in the underground car park. This often hasto be paid upfront when entering the parking space. You can pay in cash (have the right amount ready; not all parking machines give change) or with a cashflow / debit card.

You can get to the University of Bremen conveniently by bus and tram, provided by Bremer Stra?enbahn AG (BSAG).
The campus map shows the location of public transport stops in the campus area.

The following lines stop at the “Universit?t / Zentralbereich” (university / central campus area): 6, 21, 22, 28, 31.

To the timetable

Plan your journey with the Deutsche Bahn (German Railway) to Bremen central station. Leave the station southbound (towards the city center). Taxis, busses, and trams leave directly from the station forecourt. You will pay approximately 15 euros for a taxi ride to the University of Bremen. It is cheaper by tram: Take line 6 towards “Universit?t.” You can get off at the stops “Universit?t Süd,” “Universit?t / Zentralbereich,” or at the terminus “Universit?t Nord.”

To the timetable


You will have to pay about 24 euros for the onward journey from Bremen Airport (BRE) to the University of Bremen by taxi. The tram line 6 goes directly from airport to the university. You can get off at the stops “Universit?t Süd,” “Universit?t / Zentralbereich” or at the terminus “Universit?t Nord.”

To the timetable


Semester Ticket

From the 2024/25 winter semester, the current semester ticket will be replaced by the Deutschlandsemesterticket (D-SeTi). The changeover to the D-SeTi means that the new semester ticket will be valid throughout Germany on all local public transport networks (?PNV) in the same way as the regular Deutschlandticket (or D-Ticket). It includes rides on all local buses, trams, underground trains, suburban trains, and regional trains (IRE, RE, RB, RS). The cost is included in your semester fee.

The AStA Students' Union of the University of Bremen negotiates with the transport companies about the costs and scope of the semester ticket. Any news and current developments on the semester ticket are available on the AStA website.


Employees in Bremen public service can receive a JobTicket under the VBN tariff. JobTicket holders can take with them an additional adult and up to four children under the age of 15 from Monday to Friday from 7:00 p.m. (within the requested fare zones) and on weekends and bank holidays throughout the day (across the VBN network). This does not apply to JobTickets for apprentices (see section 2.5.8 of the Tariff Rules and Conditions of Carriage). JobTicket owners as well as the persons they are allowed to take with them free of charge do not have to pay the usual nightly surcharge (1 euro per trip), on BSAG, VBN, or in “NightOwl” (NachtEule) lines. Further information on costs, eligibility, and how to apply are available from the Human Resources Department.