Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching
The Award
Since 1991, the University of Bremen and the unifreunde (association of “Friends of the University of Bremen and the Constructor University Bremen”) have awarded the prize donated by the Berninghausen family annually to honor outstanding performance and creativity in university teaching. The award is endowed with a total of 6,000 euros and can be split among several categories.
How Does the Nomination Process Work?
This year, teaching staff can be nominated for the Excellence in Teaching Award and the Student Prize. Deadline is July 21, 2024. A selection committee appointed by the Academic Senate, chaired by the Vice President for Teaching and Studies, Maren Petersen, creates the criteria.
Who Can Be Nominated for the Award?
All members of the university can nominate teaching staff for the award. Nominating oneself is also possible. Only students can submit nominations for the Student Prize.
Who Selects the Laureates?
After careful consideration and reviewing of statements, the committee selects the laureates from the proposals received. Subsequently, they will submit them to the Academic Senate for decision. Since 2012, the award ceremony has been held as part of the annual Day of Teaching (Dies Academicus).
Please direct any queries to:
Email: preisfglprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 (0)421-218-60115

Excellence in Teaching Award
In this category, all university members can submit nominations for teaching staff they would like to see awarded for their good teaching. Nominating oneself is also possible. In this regard, excellence in teaching is not only defined by student-centered teaching but also by the following criteria:
- Innovative
- International
- Integrative
- Inclusive
- Interdisciplinary

Student Prize
For the Student Prize category, only students are eligible to nominate teaching staff they want to be awarded for their outstanding teaching. The following questions can help determine if a teacher qualifies for the award:
- Was the course student-centered?
- Were students able to actively participate in shaping the course content?
- Was an interdisciplinary approach evident?
- Was the lecturer able to convey the relevance to the students?