
Sascha Otto, unifreunde e.V., Irene Strebl, Staatsr?tin für Umwelt, Klima und Wissenschaft, Hendrik Vogt, Sabine Ritter, Barbara Cludius, Konrektorin Maren Petersen, Carl Berninghausen.
Verleihung des Berninghausenpreises. v.l.: Sascha Otto, unifreunde e.V., Irene Strebl, Staatsr?tin für Umwelt, Klima und Wissenschaft, Hendrik Vogt, Sabine Ritter, Barbara Cludius, Konrektorin Maren Petersen, Carl Berninghausen.


  • Dr. Sabine Ritter, FB 8, Category: Excellence in Teaching Award
  • Prof. Dr. Barbara Cludius, FB 11, Category: Student Prize
  • PD Dr. Hendrik Vogt, FB 3, Category: Student Prize
Prof. Dr. Cornelius Torp; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maren Petersen, Vice President for Teaching and Studies; Gerd-Rüdiger Kück, vice chairperson of unifreunde e.V.; Kathrin Moosdorf, Senator for Environment, Climate, and Science; Carl Berninghausen, chairperson of the Berninghausen Foundation; Jennifer Reiske; Prof. Dr. Lars Viellechner (Prof. Dr. Andrew Torget is missing).


  • Prof. Dr. Cornelius Torp & Prof. Dr. Andrew Torget, as a team FB 8, Category: Excellence in Teaching Award
  • Jennifer Reiske,FB 12, Prof. Dr. Lars Viellechner, FB 6, Category: Student Prize
Kerstin Hainle, vice chairperson of the unifreunde association, Claudia Schilling, Bremen’s Senator for Science and Ports, Ann-Kathrin Rohde, Sabine Doff, Vice President Maren Petersen, Carl Berninghausen, Berninghausen Foundation
from the left: Kerstin Hainle (vice chairperson of the unifreunde association), Claudia Schilling (Bremen’s Senator for Science and Ports), Ann-Kathrin Rohde, Sabine Doff, (Vice President) Maren Petersen, Carl Berninghausen, (Berninghausen Foundation)


  • Dr.-Ing. Ann-Kathrin Rohde, FB 4, Category: Blended Learning
  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Doff, FB 10, Category: Student Prize
Die Preistr?ger:innen
They won over the Berninghausen Prize jury: Juliane Jarke, Irina Zakharova, Jan Harima, Nina Heinrichs (from the left)


  • Dr. Juliane Jarke and Irina Zakharova, FB 3, Category: Participatory Teaching
  • Dr. Jan Harima, FB 7, Prof. Dr. Nina Heinrichs, FB 11, Category: Student Prize


  • Dr. Susanne Gl??, FB 9, Category: Excellent Teaching Under COVID-19 Circumstances
  • Sebastian M?ller, FB 8, Category: Excellent Teaching Under COVID-19 Circumstances
  • Prof. Dr. Maike Vollstedt, FB 3, Category: Student Prize
Group photo after the award ceremony Professor Thomas Hoffmeister, Vice President for Teaching and Studies, Carl Berninghausen, Sarah Lüdemann, Anna F?rster, Tim Cord?en-Ryglewski, State Councilor at Bremen’s Senator for Science and Ports, Bengt Beutler from the unifreunde association (from the left)
2019 Laureates: Professor Thomas Hoffmeister, Vice President for Teaching and Studies, Carl Berninghausen, Sarah Lüdemann, Anna F?rster, Tim Cord?en-Ryglewski, State Councilor at Bremen’s Senator for Science and Ports, Bengt Beutler from the unifreunde association (from the left)


  • Prof. Dr. Anna F?rster, FB 1, Category: Outstanding, Innovative Course with Effective Use Of Digital Media in Teaching
  • Sarah Lüdemann, FB 9, Category: Student Prize
2018 Laureates: Prof. Hans-Christian Waldmann, Kenneth Schmitz, Jannis Stoppe, Dr. Cornelia Gro?e, Oliver Kesz?cze, Prof. Rolf Drechsler, Dr. Aki Harima


  • Team  Prof. Rolf Drechsler, Dr. Cornelia Gro?e,  Oliver Kesz?cze,  Kenneth Schmitz,  Jannis Stoppe, FB 3, Category: Outstandig, Innovative Course
  • Dr. Aki Harima, FB 7, Category: Outstandig, Innovative Course
  • Prof. Hans-Christian Waldmann, FB 11, Category: Student Prize
A woman and two men are smiling at the camera.


  • Dr. Iris Stahlke, FB 11, Category: Excellently Designed Course in Terms of Research-Based Learning – in the context of a bachelor's degree

  • Prof. Dr. Lucio Colombi Ciacchi, FB 4, Category: Student Prize

  • Dennis Kenji Kipker, FB 6, Category: Excellently Designed Course in Terms of Research-Based Learning – in the context of a master’s degree's degree

Five people are standing on a staircase.


  • Dr. Natascha Ueckmann and Dr. Julia Borst, FB 10, Category: Excellently Designed Course in Terms of Research-Based Learning – in the context of a bachelor's degree

  • Prof. Dr. Ansgar Gerhardus and Prof. Dr. Heinz Rothgang, FB 11, Category: Excellently Designed Course in Terms of Research-Based Learning – in the context of a master’s degree's degree

  • Michael Claridge, FB 10, Category: Student Prize

Two men and a woman are smiling at the camera.


  • Dr. Volkmar Zielasek; FB 2, Category: Student Prize

  • Dr. Janna Wolff; FB 8, Category: Outstandingly Designed Research Project

  • Prof. Dr. Jens P?ppelbu?; FB 7, Category: Excellent Contemporary Lecture Format

A woman and two men are standing at a table.


  • Dr. Oliver Hinkelbein; FB 9
  • Dr. Andra Thiel-Hoffmeister; FB 2
  • Dr. Jan Ulrich Büttner; FB 8
A woman and two men are standing in front of a building in the sun.


  • Mark Heckmann and Dr. Lisa Lüdders (as a team); FB 11
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Jahnke; FB 1
Four people are smiling at the camera.


  • Prof. Dr. Lothar Probst; FB 8
  • Dr. Hans-Konrad Nettmann; FB 2
  • Dr. Andreas Maurer and Dr. Tanja Henking (as a team); FB 6
Three people are sitting on a bench and smiling at the camera.


  • Dr. Anja Christina Lepach; FB 11
  • Dr. Karsten H?lscher; FB 3
  • Prof. Dr. Cordula Nolte; FB 8
Three people are standing on stairs and smiling at the camera.


  • Prof. Dr. Hans J?rg Henning; FB 11
  • Dr. Sylke Meyerhuber; FB 11
  • Prof. Dr. Ivo Mossig; FB 8

1992 to 2009 Laureates


  • Prof. Dr. Ekkard Brinksmeier; FB 4

  • Prof. Dr. Dagmar B?nig; FB 12


  • Prof. Dr. Iris Pigeot-Kübler; FB 3

  • Dr. Eva Sch?ck-Quinteros; FB 8


  • Prof. Dr. Hans-Ilja Rückmann; FB 1

  • Prof. Dr. Malte Mienert; FB 11


  • Prof. Dr. Marcus B?umer, Prof. Dr. Ingo Eilks (as a team); FB 2

  • Anja Oettinger, Michael Haag (as a team); FB 12


  • Prof. Dr. Susanne Prediger; FB 3

  • Prof. Dr. Brunhilde Marquardt-Mau; FB 12


  • Dr. Andreas Hanses; FB 11


  • Prof. Dr. Horst Schecker; FB 1

  • Dr. Regina Keuchel; FB 11


  • Dr. Britta Kolbert; FB 9


  • Dr. Michael Schetsche, Thomas Krug, Thomas Temme (as a team); FB 8

  • Prof. Dr. Reinhard Riekens, Dr. Arne R?hrs, Liane Hedemann, Marie Herholz, Anja Storm (as a team), FB 2


  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Jastorff; FB 2

  • Dr. Angela Bolland; FB 12


  • Prof. Dr. Georg Feuser; FB 11


  • Prof. Dr. Frieder Nake; FB 3

  • Prof. Dr. Hedwig Ortmann, Ulrike Becker, Witha Winter von Gregory (as a team); FB 12

  • Prof. Dr. B?rbel Wallisch-Prinz; FB 8


  • Prof. Dr. Reinhold Kienzler; FB 4

  • Prof. Dr. Manfred St?ckler; FB 9


  • Prof. Dr. Helmut Schwegler; FB 1

  • Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Stohrer; FB 2

  • Prof. Dr. med. J?rg Berndt; FB 11


  • Prof. Dr. Hartmut Koehler, Dr. Karin Mathes, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Mossakowski, Dr. Hans-Konrad Nettmann, Dr. Michael Schirmer, Hannes W?hner, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weidemann, Heiko Uchtmann (as a team); FB 2

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Kruse; FB 11


  • Prof. Dr. Peter Mayr; FB 4

  • Prof. Dr. Johannes Beck, J?rg Holkenbrink, Anne Kehl (as a team); FB 12 


  • Prof. Dr. Annelie Keil; FB 11