HIST Bremen
Help for International Students
Support in financial emergencies, advice on legal issues, community events, advice on mental health problems

The Academy HERE AHEAD offers foundation programs for international students and refugees. The programs include German language courses up to C1 as well as a curricular and extra-curricular preparation.
As a refugee please find further information on the foundation program HERE Studies under: www.herebremen.de/en/here-studies/
International students whose school leaving certificate entitles them to visit a ?Studienkolleg“ will find further information on our website: www.primebremen.de.
Furthermore, we offer a career support for students looking for internships or job alternatives.
Hochschulring 40, 28359 Bremen
Phone.: +49 421 218-69681
Email: infoprotect me ?!aheadbremenprotect me ?!.de
Internet: www.aheadbremen.de

For questions about BAf?G, financing, rent, exams, social security etc., visit
Glashalle / StudentInnenhaus, Raum A 2350, AStA-Etage
Internet: https://www.asta.uni-bremen.de/service/bafog-und-sozialberatung/
Phone: (0421) 218 - 69 727

Neustadtswall, Werderstra?e und Flughafen (ZIMT)
Phone: (0421) 5905-3640
Internet: http://www.asta-hsb.de/bafoeg-sozial
E-Mail: bafoeg-beratung@hs-bremen.de

The Career Center is a joint venture between the University of Bremen and the Agentur für Arbeit (German Federal Employment Agency) Bremen-Bremerhaven. Its goal is to support students who wish to prepare themselves for their career as well as alumni and research assistants on their career paths.
ZB (Zentralbereich B/Central Area B), B 0560, B 0570, B 0580 and B 0590 (using the passageway to the Mensa/cafeteria close to the university’s theatre hall)
Career Center University Bremen / Campus map University of Bremen”
Internet: www.uni-bremen.de/en/career-center

- Events & Voluntary Services for and by Students
- Counselling for International Students and Financial Support in Cases of Hardship
Person in charge: Marie-Lena Berger
Email: beratung.esg@kirche-bremen.de
Internet: www.esg-bremen.de
Instagram: @esgbremen

Support and advice for foreign applicants and students on questions of residence and work permits, housing, subsidies, studies, financial support in economic emergencies.
Phone: +49 421 5905-2148, -2160
E-Mail: katharina.wittigprotect me ?!hs-bremenprotect me ?!.de, studyprotect me ?!hs-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Internet: http://www.hs-bremen.de/internet/de/international/office/

Birgit Harte and Anke Schmidt
Am Speicher XI 8, 28217 Bremen
E-mail: b.harteprotect me ?!hfk-bremenprotect me ?!.de or: a.schmidtprotect me ?!hfk-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: (0421) 9595 -1040 or (0421) 9595-1042

Support and advice for international students
E-mail: internationals@hs-bremerhaven.de
Phone: 0471 4823 - 361
Internet: https://www.hs-bremerhaven.de/en/organisation/departments/international-office/

The International Office is the contact point for international students who are completing all or part of their studies at the University of Bremen.
Contact person for questions regarding residence permit and financial emergencies:
Jens Kemper
E-Mail: jens.kemperprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Tel.: +49 421 218-60365

In the KHG, international students can receive counselling in a (financial) emergency and, if necessary, receive financial support – regardless of their religion.
In addition, the KHG offers a wide range of social, cultural and social activities: theme nights, film/game and cooking evenings, intercultural evenings, devotions, trips and excursions.
The services and events are open to all interested students - regardless of origin, religion or sexual orientation.
A warm welcome!
Contact person: Martina Rolfes (Pastoral Advisor and University Chaplain)
Phone: (0421) 36 94 150
Hohe Stra?e 7 (Schnoorviertel)
28195 Bremen
E-Mail: m.rolfesprotect me ?!kirchenamt-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Internet: www.khg-bremen.de

Academic success through internationalization and student networking. Students create an international campus.
Dr. Jutta Paal
E-Mail: kompassprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Internet: www.uni-bremen.de/kompass
facebook: kompass-forum international

As a student, you are entitled to informal counseling from the “Psychologische Beratungsstelle” at any time, including the semester break. We are here to help if you struggle with personal or study-related matters, e.g. if you find it hard to adjust to, feel overwhelmed by your new reality or if you simply need someone to talk to. The consultations are free of charge and strictly confidential.
You can find all PBS locations here.
Office hours | |
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday | 9 am to 1 pm |
Wednesday | 2 pm to 4 pm |
For a comprehensive consultation, an individual appointment must be made by calling (0421) 2201 11310.
Website: Psychological Counselling | Studierendenwerk Bremen

The Language Center offers language learning advice and language training.
Christine Rodewald
Phone: 0421 218-61965
Internet: www.fremdsprachenzentrum-bremen.de

Graduation support for students from developing countries in their first degree.
Bibliothekstra?e 7 / Studentenhaus
Contact person: Frau Wellbrock-Haren
E-Mail: service-buero.bafoegprotect me ?!stw-bremenprotect me ?!.de

The Social Counselling Service supports students who need help and information in personal, social and financial matters. We clarify individual counseling needs and support students in finding solutions to various issues that affect and influence their studies.
Individual counselling:
- Appointments can be made through the secretary’s office at (0421) 2201 11310
Open telephone consultation time:
- Tuesday: 11am to 12 pm, Wednesday 2pm to 4 pm and Friday 10 am to 12 pm at (0421) 2201 11340
Email: sozialberatungprotect me ?!stw-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Website: Social Counselling | Studierendenwerk Bremen

Elke Bakker
Studierendenwerk Bremen A?R
Sachgebiet 51/ Studentisches Wohnen
Bibliothekstr. 7 28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 (0)421 2201-10129
Email: wohnraumvermittlungstw-bremen.de
Internet: https://www.stw-bremen.de/de/wohnen

The support association XENOS helps foreign students at Bremen's universities if they get into a financial emergency situation for which they are not responsible. The founders deliberately gave the association the (Greek) name XENOS: The "foreigner" should be treated like a "guest."
The application procedure is kept as simple as possible and the students can apply for a one-time support grant at any time.
Applications can be submitted to the International Office of the respective university: University of Bremen, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences.
Internet: www.xenos-bremen.de/en/