Digital Concepts

Digital Concepts
The digitalization of teaching and learning is shaped by teachers and students in close cooperation with other stakeholders. The following medium-term goals were derived from the strategy process
- Development and use of contemporary hybrid or blended formats for teaching, learning and examination geared towards the specific needs of the faculties or teaching units in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning for students and lecturers at the University of Bremen.
- Development and implementation of department-related digitalization strategies that include the objectives and measures of the degree programs, taking into account the respective subject-cultural perspective on digitality in teaching.
- Anchoring "digital literacy" in all undergraduate degree courses in order to strengthen the subject-specific information and media skills of students in all faculties.
- Promoting the free, permanent provision of teaching and learning materials as Open Educational Resources.
Projects and Initiatives
Collaborative studying, learning and working is becoming increasingly relevant. If you would like to work collaboratively with your students in your course, test the functional scope of the software with us free of charge. If you are interested in exchanging ideas with other lecturers, then we invite you to take part in the OK pilot project.
The pilot project with lecturers and staff includes the free, trial use of the software in the summer and/or winter semester 2024/25.
If you are interested in testing Conceptboard in your teaching, please send a short e-mail to hddgprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
The number of licenses is unfortunately limited.
Further Actors
Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre
CDO (Chief Digital Officer) und Team
Themenausschuss Lehrerbildung in der digitalen Welt. (ZfLB)
Contact persons in the departments - list under construction