U Bremen Excellence Chairs
Click here for an overview of the U Bremen Excellence Chairs
Since 2019, international experts are leading their own Bremen based research group at the University of Bremen as 'U Bremen Excellence Chairs' in cooperation with university colleagues on selected research topics.
After two successive selection rounds, a total of eleven U Bremen Excellence Chairs started their research work at their Bremen Excellence Chair, three of them within the Cluster of Excellence ?The Ocean Floor – Earth‘s Uncharted Interface” at MARUM.
Chair-holders are outstanding experts in their disciplines and act as bridgeheads for the collaboration with leading institutions worldwide, thus strengthening the university's existing internationalisation efforts on a high level in the long term. As ‘U Bremen Excellence Chairs‘, they are regularly present at the University of Bremen. They are closely integrated in the university departments and supervise doctoral candidates as a first supervisor. Excellence Chairs are primarily established in the university’s High-Profile Areas and further areas of high potential. The research group's projects range from fossil DNA and human-computer-interaction to the study of contemporary forms of authoritarianism. The University of Bremen conducted an evaluation of the Excellence Chair's projects during the four years funding period. The positive outcome of the evaluation led to the extension of every single Excellence Chair until 2025.
The U Bremen Excellence Chairs program is funded with 1 million euros annualy within the scope of the Excellence Strategy of Germany’s federal and state governments. The funds were granted to the university in addition to MARUM’s successfull cluster of excellence application.

U Bremen Excellence Chairs
- Program Management -
Universit?t Bremen
Research Services (Unit 12)
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