Prof. Nicola Marzari
is holder of the Chair “Theory and Simulation of Materials” at the Swiss ?cole Federale Polytechnique de Lausanne (EPFL) and one of the most prominent material scientists worldwide. At the EPFL, he heads the MARVEL Excellence Center for Computer-aided Design and the Discovery of novel materials. At the U Bremen Excellence Chair, where he collaborates with researchers of the MAPEX, Center for Materials and Processes which belongs to the university, Nicola Mazari wants to develop new materials on demand–with the aid of artificial intelligence, from the perspective of the atoms, saving resources and future oriented.
Host: Prof. Lucio Colombi Ciacchi
Resarch group:
- Lorenzo Bastonero
- Dr. Jan Berges
- Dr. Anees Pazhedath
- Dr. Cristiano Malica

© Harald Rehling / Universit?t Bremen