PROMOS Program

PROMOS-Program for internships worldwide
The program:
The PROMOS program finances internships worldwide in many countries beyond the ERASMUS-area.
Who can apply?
Students enrolled in bachelor's and master's degree programs at the University of Bremen may apply.
What is funded?
Study-related internships during studies are supported.
If funding is possible through other DAAD programs, PROMOS is excluded. In exceptional cases, PROMOS can also support internships between the completion of a bachelor's degree and the start of a master's program. The prerequisite, however, is that admission to the master's degree has taken place.
Double funding from other public funds is not permitted.
How much is the funding?
Sponsored students rereceive a monthly allowance to cover their living expenses in their respective destination country during the internship. Travel expenses are not covered.
Where and when can I apply?
The application is done online on the PROMOS-website. Additionally, most departments also require all documents in paper form or per email-attachment. Please contact your departmental coordinator early prior before the dedlines.
February for a start date after 1st of July .
October for a start date between January and June of the following calendar year.
The official call for application, including all program details is available on the University Bremen website:
Mathias Bücken
Tel.: +49 421 218-60374
Email: auslandspraktikaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Blog "Praxisschock"
Reports from internships abroad
On our blog 'Praxisschock' you will find the final reports of interns. In this way, you can experience first-hand how the adventure of an internship abroad is going for your fellow students - and maybe you'll feel like throwing yourself into the adventure yourself!