About us

Die Stiftungsstele vor dem Verwaltungsgeb?ude
[Translate to English:] Auf der Stifterstele vor dem Verwaltungsgeb?ude wird das Engagement der Gründungsstifter:innen und zahlreicher Zustifter:innen gewürdigt.

The University of Bremen Foundation emerged from the unifreunde Foundation in 2009 and has been growing steadily ever since.
"Good motives for your commitment" - this is not just the title of the information brochure. It is the programme and content of the foundation. It gives private individuals, foundations, associations, organisations and companies the opportunity to make a long-term and sustainable commitment to the promotion of research and teaching in Bremen - be it through donations, endowments, the establishment of an endowment fund or by setting up their own trust foundation.

The foundation aims to help open up pioneering fields of research at the University of Bremen, enable new approaches in teaching, promote young academics and advance the communication of science to the public.



Donors and benefactors

All founding donors and contributors

Trust foundations

The Uni-Stiftung is a trustee for five trust foundations.

Transparency information for the public

The University of Bremen Foundation acts fairly and transparently when dealing with foundation funds and donations. We make their use transparent through regular reporting.

Executive Board

Portraitfoto von Frau Meyer

Frauke Meyer

(Chairwoman of the Executive Board)

"My role as Chancellor of the University also goes hand in hand with my position as Chair of the Executive Board of the University of Bremen Foundation. The University of Bremen Foundation is an incredibly gratifying area for me and one that I am very happy to take care of. In line with my career to date, I will use my expertise in the area of finance in particular for the foundation so that it can continue to grow and realise even more funding for Bremen research projects."

Portraitfoto von Frau Trüpel

Dr. Helga Trüpel

"I was involved in politics from 1987 to 2019, in Bremen and at European level as an MEP. I have been working as a consultant and volunteer since 2019. I studied in Bremen, which is why I want to support the further positive development of the University of Bremen and better network the university's foundation in Bremen."

Portraitfoto von Herrn N?lle

Dr. Jens-Uwe N?lle

"As a lawyer, I have been working in and for foundations for many years. I am very pleased to be able to use my expertise to help the University of Bremen Foundation move forward so that it can continue to fulfil its purposes, which are to be supported in every respect, in the future."

Board of trustees

Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther

(Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees)

"As Rector of the University of Bremen and Chair of the Board of Trustees of the University of Bremen Foundation, I am aware of our responsibility for tomorrow. It is therefore very important to me to make the great ideas that are developed here for (urban) society and realised with the help of the foundations visible to the outside world. I find working with the founders just as rewarding as working with the committed people who volunteer their time on the foundation committees to promote the interests of the foundation and the university."

Dr. Rita Kellner-Stoll

Dr. Rita Kellner-Stoll

"Getting involved with the University - with my own foundation and as a member of the Board of Trustees of the University Foundation - is one of the decisions in my life that has enriched me greatly and led to many exciting personal encounters, interesting topics and other activities with and around the University. I wouldn't want to miss any of this and can only recommend it for imitation, even without setting up my own foundation. Supporting the university means making Bremen fit for the future."

Daniel Steigmann

"I represent Unifreunde Bremen on the Board of Trustees of the University Foundation. I am excited to help shape the future in my home city of Bremen. This also includes supporting young academic talent. We all urgently need their knowledge and problem-solving expertise, especially in the companies and institutions in our region."

Portrait von Rita Gross-Hardt

Prof. Dr. Rita Gro?-Hardt

"As a lecturer and researcher, I have daily contact with young talents and experience the innovative power and cooperative spirit of the University of Bremen. The foundations help to recognise potential and boldly advance forward-looking projects. This is an inspiring mission that I am very happy to support."

Portraitfoto von Frau Peitgen

Dr. Nanette Peitgen

"With our own foundation, the Karin and Heinz-Otto Peitgen Foundation, at the University of Bremen, we promote educational innovations that particularly support children whose path to education is subject to difficult starting conditions for various reasons. It is important to me to make the value that the University of Bremen, with all its tasks and achievements, has for our city more visible to the citizens of the city."

Susanne Grobien

Susanne Grobien

"With the University of Bremen, our federal state has an excellent scientific institution that makes a valuable contribution to innovation, securing skilled labour for the future and jobs. As a new member of the Board of Trustees, I look forward to working to strengthen these positive effects through the targeted promotion of research, teaching and young talent, thereby strengthening the future viability of Bremen as a centre of science."


Management Board

Portrait von Christina Jung

Dr. Christina Jung

Stiftungsmanagerin (DSA)
Büro: SFG 3150
Telefon: 0421-218-60336
E-Mail: christina.jungprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Sascha Giard

E-Mail: sascha.giard@vw.uni-bremen.de

Portrait von Hayo Hoffer

Hayo Hoffer

E-Mail: hayo.hoffer@vw.uni-bremen.de

Meena Kokot

Meena Kokot

Studentische Mitarbeiterin
E-Mail: meena.kokot@vw.uni-bremen.de