Certificate Program

Higher Education Didactics Training
The certificate program “Higher Education Didactics Training” aims to accompany and support you in your personal development as a teacher. Unfortunately, most courses of the program are currently only available in German. We are working on adding more English-language workshops.
Together with the Universities of Oldenburg, Bremen and Osnabrück and in cooperation with the competence center for higher education didactics for Lower Saxony (KHN) at the TU Braunschweig, we offer you a modularized further education program.
The program comprises a total of three modules (Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning at the University (1), Teaching to Promote and Support Learning (2), Profile Development in Teaching and University Development (3)) with a total of 200 hours (60, 60, 80). The program thus meets the international standard for demonstrating teaching competence.
Participation in the certificate program can begin at any time. Participants who complete all modules may apply for the full certificate.
Courses can also be attended individually without pursuing the full certificate.
Workshops are free of charge for teaching faculty members of the University of Bremen.
Please register for the courses of the certificate program via Stud.IP.
Here you find the list of offered courses and links for registration.
We are happy to answer further questions about the program at hddgprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.