Health Insurance

Market stall in front of the Glass Hall.

Before you enroll, you must notify your health insurance company to have an insurance certificate sent. This certifies whether you are insured or not required to register. The certificate is an enrollment requirement and therefore must be submitted to the university by the health insurance companies prior to enrollment. A new insurance certificate must be submitted each time there is a change in university, health insurance company, or insurance status.

More information on the “Meldeverfahren der Krankenkassen (ESMV) (engl.: health insurance notification procedure for students) can be found at (in German)

On this page you will find some information about health insurance during your studies. More detailed information can also be obtained from the health insurance companies. You will find several on the university campus.

The registration number of the University of Bremen is: H0002687


Do you have any questions?
?Bachelor- FAQs

Student Office
VWG Building
Ground floor

Personal office hours:
Mon, Thurs 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Virtual office hours:
Make an appointment via the contact form

By telephone:
Brief information
Mon, Tue, Thu 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Fri 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Office hours
Mon, Wed, Thu 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and Tue 1 p.m.-3 p.m.

? contact us
Bachelor team: +49 (0)421 218-61110
Master team: +49 (0)421 218-61111

Which Health Insurance Company Is Responsible?

The health insurance company which insures you either as a direct member or as part of a family insurance policy will send your proof of health insurance in digital form to the university prior to the begin of your studies. Students who are privately insured or who do not have compulsory insurance are reported, for example, by the health insurance company with which they were last insured as a direct member or as part of a family insurance policy.

Students who are required or eligible for insurance may choose the following as their health insurance company:

  • any substitute health insurance company whose responsibility extends to your place of residence,
  • the “Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse” (AOK) of the place of residence or study,
  • the company or guild health insurance company (if you reside in the health insurance district),
  • the health insurance company you were last insured with as a member or through family insurance.

Family Insurance

The statutory health and long-term care insurance offers students the option of non-contributory family insurance. If insurance is provided through a parent, this entitlement continues until the student reaches the age of 25. If the education is interrupted or delayed by military or voluntary service or a comparable statutory service, this can extend the family insurance for this period. Family insurance is also possible for married couples or registered civil partnerships. There is no age limit for this.

But: If you have a regular monthly total income of more than 455 euros (BAf?G income, income-related expenses and depreciation are not included), you can no longer be insured as a family member. For marginally employed persons, the limit is 450 euros. The entitlement to family insurance ceases immediately upon exceeding the income limits, if necessary also retroactively.


For students, the contribution to health and long-term care insurance is set by law at a uniform level throughout Germany and is regularly adjusted – please check with your current or future health insurance company. BAf?G-supported students can receive a contribution subsidy.

End of Compulsory Insurance

As a rule, compulsory student insurance ends with the completion of your studies or with exmatriculation, at the latest with the semester in which you reach the age of 30. Exceptions are possible if family or personal reasons justify an extension, e.g. illness, the birth of a child or the acquisition of the entrance requirements for studies on the second educational path. Information can be obtained from your health insurance company.

Voluntary Insurance

Students who are no longer subject to compulsory insurance can insure themselves voluntarily. The prerequisite is that you have been continuously insured for at least 24 months in the last five years before leaving the compulsory insurance scheme or for at least 12 months immediately before leaving.

Exemption from Compulsory Insurance

Anyone who becomes subject to compulsory insurance as a result of enrolling for a course of study can be exempted from this obligation. The corresponding application must be submitted to a statutory health insurance company within three months of the start of compulsory insurance. The exemption is only possible if the student submits proof of other coverage, e.g. private health insurance. The benefits of the private insurance must correspond to those of the statutory health insurance. The exemption cannot be revoked, it is valid for the entire duration of the studies. In this case, a digital notification must be made by a statutory health insurance company.

Study Applicants from Abroad

Applicants from EU countries or EEA states who are in possession of a European Health Insurance Card must present it to a statutory health insurance company in Germany. The health insurance company checks the insurance obligation and transmits the result digitally to the university. The digital transmission of the health insurance certificate by the health insurance company is a prerequisite for enrollment. Health insurance coverage must be guaranteed throughout the entire course of study. Applicants from EU or EEA countries can also insure themselves with a German health insurance company. Applicants from non-EU countries must insure themselves with a German health insurance company and present this proof. Information on health insurance can be found on the DAAD website