Student Participation

Getting involved is worthwhile!
Students can participate and do something worthwhile on many levels: In their study program they can support the StugA (departmental student committee), and then there are other active student groups such as the Student Council or the AStA. Many students are organized in various initiatives or working groups where they work together for their interests, e.g. at or in the AG Family Friendly University. On this page we would like to show you ways to get involved in shaping your own study conditions and become active in student politics.
The student committees "StugA" and the "Stugenkonferenz"
Active participants welcome!
Students can organize their studies in the study program committee (StugA). At other universities, the StugA is usually called a Fachschaft. In the StugA, which is open to all students, the students organize general assemblies and meet to discuss topics such as the problems encountered in the study program and. Among other things, they propose the student representatives for the Faculty Council. The StugA also often takes care of the freshers. The meetings of the StugA are posted on the Internet. In the Stugenkonferenz, all the departmental committees of the University of Bremen meet and exchange information and ideas.
The Student Council and AStA
... are the parliament as well as the representation of the students.
Every year, the student body at the University of Bremen elects the 25-member Student Council (SR). All students have an active and passive right to vote. The SR elects the board of the General Student Committee, abbreviated AStA. The SR sets the contributions the students must pay and decides on a budget. The AStA represents the interests of students and offers various services, e.g. BAf?G and social counseling, car rental, support for publications and events. The content of the work lies with the various AStA units and working groups, such as Higher Education and Social Policy, fresher work, and the AStA newspaper. The AstA units are open for all students to participate and offer regular consultation hours.
University political lists
... are the students’ (political) parties.
So-called “lists” are associations of students who run for the student council. The term "list" refers to the electoral system where lists of candidates must be submitted to the electoral committee. Some lists are close to and partially supported by political parties. Others are non-partisan. Individual students can also set up lists. The AStA maintains an overview of all university-group lists that are currently active at the University of Bremen.