Early-Career Researchers

Goal-oriented support of early-career researchers and their empowerment from the beginning of their careers are key objectives of the University of Bremen. We support our scientists through our structured doctoral programs, funding opportunities offered by the Central Research Development Fund (CRDF), and a wide range of workshops, events, and advisory services offered by BYRD Bremen Early Career Researcher Development.
Career paths
The classic culmination of an academic career is a professorship at a research university. In Germany, professorships have traditionally been awarded following a habilitation. Today, there are alternative career paths available to early-career researchers, such as Tenure-Track-Professorships, and positions as Junior Research Group Leaders or in third-party funded projects.
Most research positions at universities and academic institutions are temporary posts for doctoral and post-doctoral staff. Aside from professorships, few positions are permanent. The University of Bremen has created positions for Senior Lecturers and Senior Researchers to establish a new career path for academic staff. Upon positive evaluation, these positions are made permanent.
It is important to note that at universities abroad, positions and career paths may be quite different from those in Germany. If you are interested in pursuing a career in research in another country, please familiarize yourself with its academic system well in advance.
Is an academic career the right choice for me?
If you are asking yourself whether an academic career is right for you and what you should bear in mind, please take advantage of the consultation services offered by our team at BYRD Bremen Early Career Researcher Development and by our Funding Advisory Service. In BYRD’s workshop and event program, we offer workshops concerning career planning and development on a regular basis.
moreDoctoral Studies
Completing a doctorate is the first step towards an academic career, but embarking on a dissertation project does not necessarily entail a career in academia. A doctorate opens many doors in terms of career paths. There are different ways of obtaining a doctorate. Both individual doctorates and structured doctoral programs are available at the University of Bremen.
The Post-Doc Phase
The post-doc phase usually entails the development of one’s own research profile in temporary research positions. These include:
- Positions associated with a chair
- Positions in third-party funded projects
- Positions funded through one’s own research grant (see list of funding opportunities)
- Positions as lecturers
- Assistant professorships (‘Juniorprofessur’) with or without tenure track
- Positions as Junior Research Group Leaders
In this phase, post-docs should acquire the qualifications necessary for obtaining a professorship, e.g. a habilitation or equivalent accomplishments.
The requirements for a hbilitation or equivalent accomplishments that post-docs have to meet vary immensely from one discipline to the next. Depending on the discipline and area of expertise, there can be vast differences in expectations with respect to the number of publications and successful funding proposals, as well as teaching experience and international networks. Make sure you obtain detailed information about the expected achievements in your discipline. The CVs and publication lists of recently appointed professors can be a good starting point. In addition, please familiarize yourself with the appointment process for professorships.
Not all researchers with a PhD become professors. There is only a limited number of chairs and permanent positions. The vast majority of PhD holders eventually leave their jobs at research institutions and pursue careers outside of academia. It is therefore important for post-docs to be clear about one’s own aspirations, build a strong profile, and explore alternative career paths. We warmly invite you to use the University of Bremen’s consultation and workshop offers for post-docs.
Important German Law: WissZeitVG
Important to know: The Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act) regulates the framework conditions for fixed-term contracts in science. Researchers may be employed for up to twelve years on a temporary basis (six years before and six years after their doctorate). However, employment in third-party funded projects is still possible when the twelve years have expired.
Further Information
- The German Research Foundation (DFG) provides an overview of career paths in science and the support services offered by the DFG.
- The University Association for the Qualification of Young Academics in Germany (UniWiND) regularly publishes publications and position papers on relevant career development topics.
Competency Model
The University of Bremen aims to ensure that its researchers have excellent career opportunities in science, business, and society. To this end, the university has developed a qualification concept for the following areas of competence:
- Research
- Teaching
- Internationalization
- Transfer and science communication
- Profile and career development
- Gender and diversity competence
The university offers a variety of courses, workshops, and counseling services in theses areas. In 2018, the university further developed its personnel development concept for scholars.
Qualification and Consulting

Central Research Funding
The Central Research Fund (ZF) of the University of Bremen supports research at all career stages. Amongst other things, calls offering postdoctoral positions for the realization of one's own project are regularly advertised for doctoral researchers.
Funding Consultancy
Are you looking for funding opportunities for your research idea? The Administrative Unit for Research Services will assist you in your search for the right funding option and will advise you on submitting your research proposal.
Program for Professors
For several years, the Personnel Development Office of the University of Bremen has had its own program with workshops and coaching offers for newly appointed and established professors. More information in German
Personnel Development Program
The Personnel Development Office offers an open program for all academics employed at the University of Bremen. The open program includes a wide range of courses on soft skills and interdisciplinary competencies. More information in German
Inventions, Patents, Start-Ups
The university supports its researchers in filing patents and establishing business start-ups out of the university. Uni-Transfer is available for all questions.
Teaching Well
The University of Bremen offers a broad program of courses on university didactics, which can be taken individually or as part of a certificate program.
moreInternational Opportunities
DAAD, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
In particular, the DAAD and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation support stays abroad for academics. The International Office advises on the individual programs.
Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation
moreERASMUS Lecturer Mobility
As part of the ERASMUS program, teaching staff have the opportunity to complete a teaching assignment at an ERASMUS partner university. Members of the University who are involved in teaching are eligible for support. The funding is provided by the university from which the lecturer comes.
Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Fellowships
With the Individual Fellowship (IF) of the EU, postdoctoral researchers can go abroad to a freely chosen host institution. Let us advise you on EU research funding!
Offers for gender-equal career development

plan m – Mentoring in Science
The Equal Opportunities Office offers women, trans-, inter-, non-binary and agender persons in the doctoral and post-doc phase a mentoring programme with a focus on the social sciences and humanities or the STEM subjects, alternating every two years.
perspektive promotion
With the perspektive promotion programme, the Equal Opportunities Office aims to support women, trans, inter, non-binary and agender persons in all faculties to complete their degrees or do a doctorate and to support them in their doctoral studies.
moreCareer Paths at the University of Bremen

Senior Researcher and Senior Lecturer
With the senior researcher and senior lecturer positions, the University of Bremen has created job categories which can become permanent positions following positive evaluation. The university thus provides its own academic career path for mid-level staff members.
Tenure-Track and Junior Professorships
The University of Bremen offers young academics the opportunity to qualify for a professorship through a tenure-track process. In 2017, the University was among the winners of the federal-state program for the promotion of young academics. The program created seven additional tenure-track professorships between 2018 and 2020.

Appointment Procedures
The University of Bremen has a great interest in attracting highly motivated, committed, and outstanding professors. An appointment procedure that follows clear guidelines is central to this. Transparency, duration, information flow, and gender equality are important to us.
Appointment prodedure at the University of Bremen
Career Paths in Business and Society
In the past, academics were mainly prepared for the career goal of professorship. However, more and more young researchers today are looking to work in business and civil society. There are many opportunities, such as non-university research, industry, politics, administration, or science management.
The University of Bremen also supports its academics in their transition to the non-university employment market. BYRD regularly offers career orientation events on career paths in business and civil society, for example, small group workshops and panel discussions. It’s worth taking a look at the current course directory.
Postdocs also have the opportunity to take advantage of individual coaching during the qualification phase. In the ProMentes mentoring programme, doctoral candidates can take targeted steps into professional fields outside the university.