Funded Projects

Deutschlandstipendium as part of the Federal Government's National Scholarship Programme

The University of Bremen participates in the federal government's national scholarship programme launched in 2011 - the Deutschlandstipendium for short. The Deutschlandstipendium supports students with a scholarship of 300 euros per month. A total of 150 euros comes from private sources and 150 euros from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. An annual scholarship is therefore possible from a funding amount of 1,800 euros. Particularly talented and committed students are supported. In addition, the University of Bremen attaches particular importance to other factors that make up a committed personality. The selection process therefore takes into account academic achievements as well as social commitment, personal initiative and special personal circumstances, such as caring for children or family members or a migration background.

You can find more information about the Deutschlandstipendium here

Funded by the Manfred and Ursula Flu? Foundation, the KELLNER & STOLL FOUNDATION FOR CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT and the University of Bremen Foundation.


Bremer Studienpreis

unifreunde e.V.

Every year, graduates of the University of Bremen are honoured for their outstanding theses and dissertations. Since 1983, the Society of Friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University Bremen ("unifreunde") has honoured these exceptional achievements with the Bremen Study Award.

Sponsored by the Foundation of the University of Bremen.
