Visiting Auditors

Visiting Students and Auditors

The University of Bremen may allow students from other universities in the state of Bremen to participate in individual courses as a visiting student for the duration of a semester, provided that this does not interfere with the studies of regular students and that participation in the course is necessary or appropriate for the applicant's studies. The reasons why participation in the course is necessary or useful must be stated in the application.

Visiting students from universities outside of Bremen may participate in exceptional cases.

Visiting students are not enrolled at the University of Bremen. Visiting studens have the same rights and obligations in respect of the courses they attend as regular students of the University of Bremen.

The application must be submitted in person to the Student Office before the deadline (Summer Semester 30 April / Winter Semester October 31) together with declarations of consent from the teaching staff in question. The applicant receives a visiting student's certificate from the Student Office.

Even if you are not enrolled in another university, you can still attend classes at the University of Bremen as a guest auditor without enrollment.

The application for participation as a visiting student can be downloaded as a PDF document.


Do you have any questions?
?Bachelor- FAQs

Student Office
VWG Building
Ground floor

Personal office hours:
Mon, Thurs 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Virtual office hours:
Make an appointment via the contact form

By telephone:
Brief information
Mon, Tue, Thu 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Fri 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Office hours
Mon, Wed, Thu 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and Tue 1 p.m.-3 p.m.

? contact us
Bachelor team: +49 (0)421 218-61110
Master team: +49 (0)421 218-61111

Guest auditor

If you are not enrolled at university, you can attend classes at the University of Bremen as a guest auditor without enrollment. Further information and the application for the guest auditors can be found on the web pages further education (in German).


Academy of Continuing
central area, room B0670
0421 218-61616
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