Degrees at the University of Bremen

Bachelor's degree, master's degree, state examination, teaching degree: What degrees are there? What professions can I pursue with each degree? What is the difference between a bachelor's degree in teaching and a two-subject bachelor's degree? On this page, we would like to inform you in detail about the various university degrees that you can obtain at the University of Bremen.


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Test tubes with different coloured liquids.

Bachelor & Master

Studies at the University of Bremen take place in the bachelor's/master's degree system. Only the Law degree program concludes with the First Law Examination. Bachelor's and master's degrees are tiered degrees. After 6 (in exceptional cases 7) semesters of Bachelor's studies, you leave the university with a first professionally qualifying academic degree. This can be followed by a Master's degree course of 4 (in exceptional cases 3) semesters.

Two teachers working on a flipchart in front of an audience.

Teaching Degrees

Teacher training is divided into three parts,
 - the Bachelor's program,
 - the subsequent Master's degree course and
 - the postgraduate internship.
The so-called Master's degree in Education is equivalent to the previous first state examination. The Master's degree course is followed by an 18-month postgraduate internship, which concludes with the second state examination.

People work at a laptop.

First Law Examination

Law is the only degree program at the University of Bremen that concludes with the First Law Examination, formerly known as the First State Examination. The degree "Bachelor of Laws" is integrated into the 10-semester course after 8 semesters. After the First Legal Examination and a subsequent 24-month postgraduate internship, the Second State Examination can be taken.