Mahidol University

The partnership focuses on the exchange of students and researchers as well as the joint supervision of doctoral studies. In addition to the regular exchange of scientists from both universities, many joint workshops have taken place on topics such as surgical assistance systems, disaster relief or mosquito-borne diseases. As a permanent facility for the cooperation, a research laboratory on the topic of "medical informatics" (Mahidol-Bremen Medical Informatics Research Unit, MIRU) has been established in Thailand in 2018.
An intensive cooperation between the ICT faculty of Mahidol University and the Bremen Spatial Cognition Center (BSCC) has already existed for almost a decade. Together with computer scientist Professor Peter Haddawy from the ICT Faculty of Mahidol University, various joint projects have been successfully carried out in the Southeast Asian region. In recent years, the collaboration expanded to other departments such as biology and economics. Online German courses for students at Mahidol University have also been offered in cooperation with the Language Center at the University of Bremen.