Scholarships and Funding Opportunities
A stay abroad usually entails additional costs. These can be absorbed with scholarships and funding opportunities. Please inform yourself early about the application deadlines, which are often one year before departure. You will find a selection of different funding opportunities in the list below.
The mobility program supports part-scholarships for a maximum of 4 months per study period (BA / MA) for study-related stays abroad outside the Erasmus area. The eligibility period runs from January 1 to December 31 of each year. In addition to the four months, eligible students can apply for a one-time contribution to tuition fees of 500 euro for a language course or a subject-related course worldwide. Support only applies to measures for which there is no separate DAAD funding line (IAESTE, annual DAAD scholarships etc.).
More information can be found on our PROMOS page.
Our degree seeking students who study at a university abroad, either through a university partnership or their own initiative, can apply for funding through DAAD. Various scholarships, including full-year ones, are offered. The DAAD "Funding opportunities for Germans" brochure ("F?rderungsm?glichkeiten für Deutsche") is available for free at the International Office. All current programs and scholarship openings can also be accessed directly on the DAAD website ( The page “F?rderprogramme finden,” found under “澳门皇冠_皇冠足球比分-劲爆体育 Hochschulen,” provides all program information and application documents.
Attached is the DAAD brochure "Mit Stipendium ins Ausland" (ATTENTION: Incorrect information regarding PROMOS in the brochure, the correct information can be found above in the menu item PROMOS).
The scholarship database of the DAAD can be found at (in German only). In addition, the DAAD also offers explanatory videos about DAAD scholarships for stays abroad on its YouTube channel DAAD Worldwide.
The Fulbright Commission annually offers travel and partial scholarships for studies abroad of at least one full academic year at a US university. The scholarships cover the costs of US college tuition and are awarded to students who demonstrate excellent academic performance.
Travel grants for one or two semesters abroad at a US university will also be awarded. Only students who participate through one of our partner universities can apply for these grants.
Ms. Esders is a lecturer in English-Speaking Cultures and a Fulbright liaison at the University of Bremen. Interested students should consult with her in advance or go see the International Office.
Further information:
The "Metropolises in Eastern Europe" program supports one to two years of study with language courses or internships in the target region.
The McCloy Program offers highly qualified students from all fields of study the possibility of completing a two-year Master's program in Management at the Harvard Kennedy School. Apart from providing qualification for work in public and international organizations, the program aims to promote transatlantic understanding and create a network of the McCloy recipients which will continue after their graduation. Up to seven scholarships are awarded each year.
The ERP Program supports postgraduates for one- to two-year study or research stays at top U.S. universities. Applicants should be professionally excellent, broadly interested, and socially or politically engaged.
Stays in other regions may be financed as well. (in German)
The Rotary Distrikt 1850 Foundation awards "Ambassadorial Scholarships" to Bremen students for an academic year abroad.
The Alfred Toepfer Foundation awards scholarships to students and doctoral candidates from Central and Eastern Europe who are completing their degree in Germany, as well as to German students and doctoral candidates who are completing a study year abroad in Central or Eastern Europe. Preference is given to students in European Studies, specifically in the fields of culture, humanities, social sciences, visual and performing arts, architecture, forestry, and agronomy.
The ZEIT Foundation Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius awards scholarships for one- or two-semester study visits to American universities. The scholarships are aimed at undergraduate students of the humanities who study at a German university, focusing on German culture, language, history, music or culture.
The NGO IPPI awards scholarships with changing institutions "helping young professionals to arrive in high-profile institutions in Israel to conclude a fellowship on public policy, security, innovation and more."
Here you can find further scholarship overviews and funding opportunities compiled by the DAAD:
Studies abroad can be funded by Auslandsbaf?g. Because of the increased cost of living, it may be wise for students who do not receive funding while studying in Germany to apply as well. The assessment threshold is determined, just as with Inlandsbaf?g, according to the parents' income. In addition to the base amount and the foreign allowance, which is based on the cost of living in the host country, reimbursements can be made for tuition fees of up to 4,600 euros per academic year.
A student loan may be granted to students in the final years of their studies for a stay abroad. It is granted by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (“Reconstruction Loan Institute”) with low interest rates.
Dipl.-Geogr. Silke Prangemeier
Phone: 218-60364