Childcare Services
Good and reliable childcare is an important prerequisite for successfully combining family and career. The university would like to support its employees and doctoral students with the following offers...

The Entdeckerkids is a day-care center that offers company-related childcare for children aged 6 months up to school entry. The care offered by the discovery kids is primarily aimed at employees of the University of Bremen. Parents residing in Bremen who are employed at the university can register their child with the discovery kids.

The Entdeckerhaus is one of six institutions of the Entdeckerhaus gGmbH and the Kindertagesst?tte Technologiepark e.V. It offers day-care for up to 80 children from 6 months to school age.

The Uni-KiTa offers six full-day groups for children from from one to six years as a day nursery. Children of students and employees of the University are preferentially accepted. There are 6 groups with 8 children each. Each group generally has two educators / specialists.

Sick children or the loss of regular care are a major stress factor for university employees, especially when it comes to time-critical tasks! The University of Bremen offers support in such cases and provides up to 25 hours per year for emergency care by the emergency mums. All you have to do is make a phone call and the emergency mom will come to your home or take care of your child in one of the family rooms at the university.
We?re here to help
Referat 08
Family Care Office
familienprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
0421 218 60850 / 60860