Easter Holidays

In cooperation with the sports club 1860 e.V. the university offers a vacation care program for children between the ages of four and thirteen. During the school vacations in Bremen (except for the Christmas vacations), games, fun and exercise are the focus of the childcare concept every weekday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the grounds of the Bremen 1860 e.V. club.

Daily schedule:

  •     8.00 a.m. Arrival (early and late services possible)
  •     Breakfast
  •     Sports/games/crafts
  •     Lunch in the club restaurant
  •     Games, sports, excursions, etc.
  •     4.00 pm pick up time

130 Euro per week/child - children of students up to 4 weeks per year free of charge

Registration: Bremen 1860

Bund Logo

Discover nature with BUND during the vacations: Our Forest Adventure 2024!

Children aged between 6 and 14 explore Bremen's city forest, discover the BUND children's wilderness and get to know Knoopspark. Our freshly compiled vacation program takes place during the Easter, summer and autumn vacations. The varied program includes activities such as animal observations, plant workshops, creative projects and much more.

University employees receive a €20 discount on the participation fee for their children.

Angelika Stangenberg & Florian Noeske

From 10 am to 2 pm / BUND Children's Wilderness

Finally out of hibernation and into the reawakening children's wilderness. The sun is beginning to warm, the birds are singing, the first plants are growing and the earth invites us to explore, build, tinker and dream. We train our senses with fun, exciting, wild games. By the warming fire, we make crafts and tell each other great stories.

For children from 6 to 12 years / cost contribution 85 euros / child.

Registration: Tel. 0421 79 00 20 / Email


Bund Logo

Discover nature with BUND during the vacations: Our Forest Adventure 2024!

Children aged between 6 and 14 explore Bremen's city forest, discover the BUND children's wilderness and get to know Knoopspark. Our freshly compiled vacation program takes place during the Easter, summer and autumn vacations. The varied program includes activities such as animal observations, plant workshops, creative projects and much more.

University employees receive a €20 discount on the participation fee for their children.

Susanne Kopp-J?ger & Maite Vredenburg

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. / BUND Children's Wilderness

The last days of the vacations are the perfect opportunity to enjoy the beauty of spring once again. There will be a creative program, lots of free space, a lunch snack with eggs and hopefully good weather. Will we have to rebuild the clay oven? The chicken enclosure could also do with some improvement. And the chickens are happy to have company.

For children from 8 to 14 years / cost 70 euros per child.

Registration: Tel. 0421 79 00 20 / Email


Bund Logo

Discover nature with BUND during the vacations: Our Forest Adventure 2024!

Children aged between 6 and 14 explore Bremen's city forest, discover the BUND children's wilderness and get to know Knoopspark. Our freshly compiled vacation program takes place during the Easter, summer and autumn vacations. The varied program includes activities such as animal observations, plant workshops, creative projects and much more.

University employees receive a €20 discount on the participation fee for their children.

Lydia Klose & Leon Wettlaufer

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. / Knoops-Park / Blindengarten

What can we discover in Knoopspark in spring? We will prepare food in the fresh air and do handicrafts with things we can find in the park. There will be plenty of time to explore, play, run around, build and of course come up with your own ideas!

For children aged 6 and over / account contribution €70 per child.

Registration: Tel. 0421 79 00 20 / Email


The Bremen Vacation Compass makes reliably supervised vacation offers in and outside of Bremen visible: It offers parents an overview of great vacation offers for their child(ren).

Whether it's a skateboarding course or a creative workshop, a vacation camp at the North Sea or a girls' soccer camp around the corner, there is a lot to discover and experience!

The Family Network Bremen presents all these (Information in German) offers here.