Easter Holidays

In cooperation with the sports club 1860, the university offers a vacation care program for children between the ages of 4 and 13. During the school vacations in Bremen (except the Christmas vacations), the program is offered every weekday from 8:00** a.m. to 4:00** p.m. on the grounds of the sports club Bremen 1860 e.V. The focus of the program is on fun, games, and exercise.

Daily routine:

  • 8:00 a.m.** arrival (**early and late shifts can be booked optionally with the club, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
  • Breakfast
  • Sports/games/arts and crafts
  • Lunch in the club restaurant
  • Games/sports/trips to Botanica/Bürgerpark/ice cream parlor and much more
  • 4:00 p.m.** Pick-up

130 euros per week/child - Children of students can attend for up to 4 weeks per year free of charge. Click here to register

The Bremen Vacation Compass makes reliably supervised vacation offers in and outside of Bremen visible: It offers parents an overview of great vacation offers for their child(ren).

Whether it's a skateboarding course or a creative workshop, a vacation camp at the North Sea or a girls' soccer camp around the corner, there is a lot to discover and experience!

The Family Network Bremen presents all these (Information in German) offers here.