Working Group on Family-Friendly Studies (AG FFS)

Welcome to the AG FFS

Welcome and thank you for visiting our website. The AG FFS is the contact point for students with family or caregiving responsibilities at the University of Bremen. This includes students with children or relatives in need of care. We are happy to help you with questions and challenges in everyday university life. We regularly organize small and large events for networking purposes and represent the interests of students with care responsibilities in various committees.

Where to find us

Our rooms are accessible via the outdoor area/playground, directly on the boulevard, diagonally opposite the canteen. There is a ramp down from the boulevard and the entrance is by the pink and blue gate.  Click here for video route description.


Email / Consultation hours
To find a date for consulting hours or to contact us with any other question just send as an email:
agffsprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Connecting with other students with family responsibilities and get all the latest news? Join our WhatsApp-Chat: Please contact us via email. We will then add you to the group.
An initiative of the AG FFS and not an official group of the University of Bremen


Our main tasks

Counseling in the administration building

Do you have questions about studying with caregiving responsibilities? We are happy to help you.

As AG FFS, we offer students advice at eye level. Since we are also students with children, a first conversation can often be helpful. This can be done online or in person at our office. We are not an official counseling service of the University of Bremen, but we are in close contact with the different counseling services of the University and we regularly attend trainings on different topics. Feel free to contact us with your concerns. We will try to help you or refer you to the right contact person.

To make an appointment, please send us an email or contact us on Instagram.

Another central point of contact for initial counseling at the university is the Family Service Office. There is also the Social Counseling Service of the Studierendenwerk.

Students in the GW 2 cafeteria.

We are the interface between parents and the university. We are not only there for you when there are problems, but also to make the university a friendlier place for students with care responsibilities. To this end, we are in close and regular contact with the various offices of the University of Bremen. Do you have ideas on how the university can better implement family friendliness and make it easier for students with care responsibilities to study? Please feel free to contact us.


We would like to give you a brief insight into some helpful information that can make your everyday university life with care tasks easier.

If you need to look something up quickly, you can also find many of these tips on the map of family-friendly places.

You can find more information on family-friendly services on campus, such as play corners, parent-child workstations, breastfeeding and nappy-changing facilities and much more in our section ‘Did you know...?’.


We organise small and large events, such as a parents' café, summer festivals and flea markets, to ensure productive interaction and ongoing networking.

More information can be found on our website and on our social media channels.

You can find all the information about our events and university-wide events under the News tab.

We look forward to seeing you!

Unsere R?umlichkeiten

Nahaufnahme von einem B?llebad für Kinder

AG Room

The AG FFS room is both an office and a lounge. Drop in whenever you need to warm up, take a break or just need someone to talk to. If we are on site, you are welcome to use the room at short notice. There are also play facilities for your child.

Auf dem Boden klebt ein Kreis mit einem Piktogramm einer Familie. Darüber steht "Familienraum".

Family Room

The Family Room is the perfect place if you need a quiet spot on the Boulevard for a longer period of time and also want a place to play and spend time with your child. Whether it's a lunch break, working with books from the library or studying for exams. You can use the room every day during the week from 8.00 to 15.00.

We have redecorated the family room for you. Feel free to drop by!

Video route description

Our rooms are accessible via the outdoor area/playground, directly on the boulevard diagonally opposite the canteen. There is a ramp down from the boulevard, the entrance is at the pink-blue gate. We share the premises with the campusKids childcare centre. 

? AG FFS / Music from: