Study Work Life Week 2024

The Digital "Vereinbarkeitswoche" (Study Work Life Week) at the University of Bremen will take place from Monday, May 13th, 2024, to Friday, May 17th, 2024

The preparations are underway. Our offer is aimed at students of the University of Bremen and the interested public nationwide. Like every year, we offer events on diverse care, support, and discrimination topics. This includes phases of life marked by crises and invisible obstacles in everyday life. Together, we discuss stumbling blocks and collect solutions. Our experts make discriminations visible at the university, in academic life, or in the workplace and show what a society with participation opportunities for everyone could look like. Our events provide space for exchange, networking, and empowerment!

We look forward to a diverse program and your participation.

The team of Study Work Life Week 2024.

All events will take place online
Registration is required to participate in an event 

The programme of the Study Work Life Week 2024

Click on the title of the event for more information

9:00 - 9:50 AM

AD(H)D in children and adolescents – an introduction to the disorder and its characteristics

Dr. Mona Schw?rer 
10:00 - 10:50 AM

"Palliative Care" - a concept only for the end of life?

Elke Ehlert
11:00 - 11:50 AM

CARE MAKES COMPETENT - short workshop: discover strengths and exchange experiences

Dr. Nadine Ochmann & Bettina Schweizer
12:00 - 12:50 PM 

To care and live in families! - Now I take care of myself! Making the needs of caring parents visible

Mic Herbertz-Flo?berg
01:00 - 01:50 PM

Growing up with family challenges

Prof. Dr. Birgit Mathes
02:00 - 02:50 PM

Reform of the law of descent - what changes?

Caro Schulze & Annette Mattfeldt (Rat & Tat - Zentrum für queeres Leben e.V.)
09.00 - 09.50 AM

Dying Living - daily and at the end of life

Regina Heygster
10.00 - 10.50 AM

Prenatal normativity - ableism in prenatal diagnostics

Mic Herbertz-Flo?dorf
11.00 - 11.50 AM

Endometriosis in study and career

Verena Fisch (Endometriose-Vereinigung Deutschland e.V.)
12.00 - 12.50 PM

Between changing diapers and exam periods... take a break

Sonja Vieten
1.00 - 1.50 PM

?Let’s talk about“: Racism in University Contexts

Dr. Rahab Njeri


The programme of the Study Work Life-week 2024 as pdf-download

Team Vereinbarkeit 2024!

Xenia Kumm, Bettina Schweizer, Arman Tahir, Thea Luise Teichert and Samira Abdel Wahed. (from left to right)

Gruppenfoto Team Vereinbarkeit

Contact us

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.


Instagram: @vereinbarkeitswoche 


The Vereinbarkeitswoche takes place in cooperation with "Carat - caring all together"