"Palliative Care" - a concept only for the end of life?

Thursday 14th May - 10:00 to 10:50 AM

Presentation language: German
This event will take place online.

This lecture will give participants an insight into the development of palliative medicine. The brief outline of the history of palliative medicine will be given by student assistant Thea Luise Teichert. She is a trained nurse herself, is studying Public health and is part of this year's Compatibility Week 2024 team. Afterwards, the speaker Elke Ehlert will use her practical experience as a palliative care pilot to give an enriching talk on how quality of life and support for patients and their care systems can be maintained in the event of serious illness.

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About this person

Elke Ehlert worked as a nurse in Bremen and Bassum for many years. After studying nursing science and further training in palliative care and psychosocial oncology, Elke Ehlert has been working as a palliative care nurse since 2019.