"Let's talk about": Racism in University Contexts
Friday, May 13th - 1:00 to 1:50 PM
Presentation language: German
This event will take place online.
Racism and discrimination are also structurally embedded in University contexts. The University is not a neutral space or place, as it is a space of knowledge production and power dynamics.? In this talk, I want to create a space where we can talk about racism in the university context and exchange different ideas and experiences.
For me, a racism-critical perspective at the University means recognizing mechanisms of discrimination and acknowledging the experiences of BIPOC students and employees who experience racism. It is also important to reflect on one's own position with the respective privileges. Difficult conversations about privilege and racial discrimination require spaces to be created in which everyone, especially the marginalized, can be heard.
? Anne Brodenund Paul Mecheril (Hrsg.) (2011): Rassismus bildet. Bildungswissenschaftliche Beitr?ge zu Normalisierung und Subjektivierung in der Migrationsgesellschaft. 2. Auflage. S. 41-54; Fereidooni, Karim/El, Meral (2017) (Hrsg.): Rassismuskritik und Widerstandsformen. Springer VS.
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About the person
Dr. Rahab Njeri studied at the University of Cologne and completed her doctorate at the University of Trier. She is a historian, her research areas are postcolonial history, migration history, North American and British history (19th/20th century), Afrikana, Gender and Diaspora Studies. Njeri is also a trainer for Critical Diversity, Critical Whiteness, Decolonization and Empowerment