Arguments against regulars' table slogans: populism from the center of society. How can you counteract?
Monday, 13th May - 11:00 to 11:50 AM
Presentation language: German
This event will take place online.
Asylum seekers are social parasites", "If you want a job, you'll find one", "Foreigners are criminals", "Because of all the refugees, no woman can dare to go out on the street" "They're all just economic migrants" - regulars' table slogans like these usually come suddenly and unexpectedly, they come from the middle of society, they are popular and populist. Statements of this kind are on the rise. Anyone who is confronted with them feels caught off guard and
wants to react, but nothing suitable comes to mind. What can you say, what can you do? What is behind these slogans? What world view, what understanding of politics are they conveying? What arguments, facts and information can be used to counter the populist slogans and slogans? But are they even accepted in an age of widespread fake news? These are the questions addressed in the lecture.
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Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Hufer is an adjunct professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He has authored numerous books, book chapters, and articles in journals on political education. With his two books "Argumentationstraining gegen Stammtischparolen" (10th edition) and "Argumente am Stammtisch" (7th edition), he aims to empower readers to engage with and counter xenophobic and racist remarks. The corresponding seminars are well-known in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.