Growing up with family challenges
Tuesday 14th May - 01:00 to 01:50 PM
Presentation language: German
This event will take place online.
The Bremen Initiative for Strengthening Early Childhood Development (BRISE) examines the effects of early childhood development from pregnancy to the first year of primary school. The aim of the study is to identify strategies that enable all children to have a good start in school and to support long-term measures to improve educational equity. The presentation and discussion will focus on identifying family challenges that pose a risk to children's educational experiences, discussing preventive measures, and exploring what families and society can do to promote children's development.
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About this person
Prof. Dr. Mathes is a psychologist and project manager at BRISE - Bremer Initiative zur St?rkung frühkindlicher Entwicklung (Bremen Initiative for Strengthening Early Childhood Development) at the University of Bremen. She researches the influence of the family environment and family challenges on neurocognitive development.