Prenatal normativity - ableism in prenatal diagnostics

Friday 17th May - 10:00 to 10:50 AM

Presentation language: German
This event will take place online.

Prenatal Diagnostics has become standard practice and operates within its own normativity. Its consequences are not routinely discussed. Rather, the trend seems to be towards taboo. What is the connection to care work?

With this presentation, we open a space to adopt a queer-feminist perspective of self-determination while simultaneously examining its inherently ableist effects.

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? Mavi Garcia

About this Person

Mic Herbertz-Flo?dorf (no pronoun/they), an independent educator, supervisor, mediator, and diversity trainer, trained among others at the Schulz-von-Thun Institute at the University of Hamburg in communication psychology, trauma counseling and education according to GPTG. They are also a certified alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, with studies completed at the University of Düsseldorf (HHU), Berlin (FU), and Cologne (State Examination). In a registered civil partnership, they have two children, one of whom has a severe disability.

They are a co-author of the Europe-wide study on rainbow families titled "Wir sind Eltern!" ("We are Parents!"), author of the website and project "Bunte Kitas starke Kinder NRW" (Colorful Daycare Centers Strong Children North Rhine-Westphalia), and author of the NRW brochures "Regenbogenfamilien - Werden und Sein" ("Rainbow Families - Becoming and Being") and the empowerment brochure "Wir sind dabei" ("We Are Involved"). They specialize in supporting rainbow families in childcare settings and have authored and developed online training modules on "Becoming and Being a Rainbow Family."

From June 2020 to August 2022, they hosted the podcast "Vielfalt, Verantwortung, Vision" ("Diversity, Responsibility, Vision"). Since 2012, they have been a trainer for "Diversity in Leadership" at LH Hannover and "LGBTIQ and Childcare." From 2018 to 2020, they served as project manager for the project "Regenbogenfamilien – Vielfalt der Lebensentwürfe" ("Rainbow Families - Diversity of Life Designs"), funded by the Ministry of Children, Family, Refugees, and Integration.

Currently, they are undergoing a three-year training in SE? (somatic experiencing).