AD(H)D in children and adolescents – an introduction to the disorder and its characteristics

Thursday 14th May - 09:00 to 09:50 AM

Presentation language: German
This event will take place online.

AD(H)D is one of the most common childhood disorders. What is AD(H)D and what are the symptoms of the problem? How does it come about that a child or young person has these difficulties? And how is it determined whether a child or young person is affected? The special features and challenges of the disorder are presented and insights into treatment are provided. Finally, parents and teachers will be given practical tips on how to deal with the symptoms.
There will also be an opportunity to clarify any questions that arise after the presentation..

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About this person

Dr. Mona Schw?rer is a licensed child and adolescent psychotherapist practicing in the cognitive-behavioral therapy approach. As a scholarship holder at the University of Bremen, she completed her doctoral thesis titled "The Significance of Executive Functions in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Diagnosis and Parental Stress Experience." Her therapeutic focus lies in the diagnosis and treatment of externalizing disorders, particularly ADHD.