The "Deutschlandstipendium"

  • The scholarship holders and the deputy heads during the ceremony.

    The scholarship award ceremony

    Every year, the scholarships are handed over in a festive setting.

The scholarship

The national scholarship programme of the federal government – the Deutschlandstipendium – is the biggest public-private project in the area of education that has ever existed in Germany. Since 2011, it has been supporting highly talented students of all disciplines with 300 Euro per month. Sponsors like businesses, foundations and private individuals contribute 150 Euro, while the federal government matches this amount with the other half.

It is not only the excellent academic performance that counts in the selection of the scholarship holders but also their social engagement and their personal circumstances (e. g. overcoming challenges or obstacles in their social or family background). Thereby, the programme fosters equal chances and supports diverse life paths.


[Translate to English:] Video des Stiftungshaus Bremen über das Deutschlandstipendium an der Universit?t Bremen

How to become a sponsor

Sponsors support the employees of tomorrow, acknowledge students’ efforts, motivate them to continue with their engagement and encourage them to find their individual way. Sponsors get in touch with the scholarship holders personally and become part of the network of friends and supporters at the University of Bremen.


Engage now!


Studierende auf dem Campus
Bergfest 2022

The scholarship award ceremony 2023/2024

In January 2024, about 170 sponsors and scholarship holders with their families and friends got together in the “Kunsthalle” Bremen. With many new encounters und interesting conversations, the evening was a successful start into the new sponsoring-year.


Traditionally, every year in spring the “Bergfest” is taking place: Scholarship holders and sponsors meet to celebrate the middle of the sponsoring-year. Below, you see photos from the “Bergfest” 2022.