
MeerMINT is one of 73 education clusters currently being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. MINT is the German equivalent of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).
The idea behind the cluster is to enable children and young people at 2 locations - the so-called MINT Docks in Bremen and Bremerhaven - to take part in leisure activities in the MINT field.
The cluster was launched on January 1, 2021. The first offers for children and young people are expected to take place in the second half of the year. If you would like to be kept up to date on the cluster's activities, please check the cluster's website regularly or subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of this page.
Newsletter and Contact
meerMINT Clustermanagement
University of Bremen
Administrative Departmen 1 / Ref 16
Bibliothekstra?e 1
28359 Bremen
Tel. 0421 218 57106
If you have any questions or comments, please write to:
meermintprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
There is also a regular newsletter. Interested parties can register for it via the following link: newsletter registration

What are the goals of the association?
Learning an instrument, trying out a sport, meeting up with friends in the afternoon: For many children and young people in Bremen and Bremerhaven, this is part of their freetime.
However, for those who want to repair a toaster, program robots, develop their own cosmetics or deal with the causes of and solutions to climate change in the afternoon or during the vacations, there is no corresponding offer.
The meerMINT cluster will change this. In the spirit of low-threshold, broad-based support, the partners in the network are setting up two new bases - known as meerMINT docks - in Bremen and Bremerhaven. These docks are the starting points for MINT activities for children and young people between the ages of 10 and 16 in their free time. They offer opportunities to encounter the “ MINT magic” close to home and at fixed opening times. For children and young people who are already particularly interested and those who stand out in the meerMINT docks due to their particular interest, the network partners develop more in-depth offers around the topic of the sea, e.g. clubs with regular meetings as well as vacation and weekend offers lasting several days. This creates a meerMINT community in which MINT enthusiasts can meet and exchange ideas on a regular basis.
After the end of the funding period, it is planned that the partners will continue the cluster in the form of a MINT association.
Who supports meerMINT?
The MINT-Cluster meerMINT is a network of four local partners:
- University of Bremen
- Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
- PH?NOMENTA Bremerhaven e. V.
- Universum Managementgesellschaft mbH