Studies and Specialty Studies in Bachelor Biologie

Studies and Specialty Studies in Bachelor Biology
The study program Bachelor Biology serves to provide students with training in the subject of biology and to develop subject-related interdisciplinary competences and key personal skill sets.
Studying biology as a full major entails two study phases, each with their own thematic foci:
- Study years 1+2: Study of biological and general science-oriented basic knowledge and methods
- Study year 3: Specialization on one of the department’s four areas of specialization (specialties) and an introduction to current biology research
The program Bachelor Biology offers a sound training in biological sciences and in practice-oriented methods in different subsections of Biology. These subsections encompass the fields of cell and molecular biology, genetics and molecular genetics, microbiology, evolution, zoology and animal physiology, neurobiology and human biology, botany and plant physiology, ecology and marine biology.
This subject-related training is complemented with courses in basic science subjects like chemistry, physics, mathematics and statistics.
Besides acquiring knowledge of science and methods, students are taught how to undertake scientific work independently, hold their own in scientific discourse, and to independently develop scientific questions and set up experiments. The latter serves above all to facilitate the large proportion of practicals / core courses and exercises.
In their specialty studies (introduction to specialties in molecular biosciences, marine biology, ecology or neurobiology), third year students of biology as a full major come into contact with the research groups in FB2 and the research topics they are working on.
By means of the individual project in specialties studies and their Bachelor’s Examination, students learn how to approach scientific work and can deepen their knowledge within a specific research field.