Antennas and Propagation

© Universit?t Bremen
Winter Semester:
Wednesday, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm (lecture)
NW1?????, room H3Thursday 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm (exercises)
NW1?????, room S1360
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Schneider
2+2 h (lecture + exercises)
Language: English
Master ET/IT (1st semester), Master CIT (2nd/4th semester), Master WiIng ET/IT (3rd semester)
Fields and waves in free space based on Maxwell's equations
Fundamentals of wave propagation
Fundamentals of antennas
Hertzian Dipole amd magnetic dipole
Antenna arrays
Antenna beamforming and beamsteering
Aperture antennas
Microstrip patch antennas
Presentation and discussion of many practical examples
written examination, 2 hours