Summer Semester:
Tuesday, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm (lecture)
NW1?????, room H1Wednesday, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (exercises)
NW1?????, room H3
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Schneider
2+2 h (lecture + exercises)
Language: English
Bachelor ET/IT (6th semester), Master CIT (1st semester)
Without Electrodynamics, without the theory of Maxwell, Faraday, Ampere, Oersted, et al. about electric,magnetic, and electromagnetic phenomena like conduction, induction, and electromagnetic fields and waves, our modern world with all its achievements in electricity, electronics and communications would not exist. This course gives an understanding about the basis in the field of electrodynamics. The focus is on the discussion of Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic wave phenomena.
Mathematical background of electrodynamics (scalar and vector fields, vector operations grad, div, curl, complex notation)
Maxwell’s equations
Boundary conditions
Electromagnetic wave equation and their solutions
Polarization of electromagnetic waves
Poynting vector field
Reflection and refraction at interfaces
written examination, 2 hours