Humboldt-University Berlin

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Palm worked as a Professor of Gender & Science at the Humboldt University Berlin from 2013-2018 and has since been working as a group leader in the Gender & Science research unit at the same University. She holds a doctorate in biology, a “Habilitation” in cultural studies (historical epistemology), and has 20 years of teaching and research experience in gender studies in the field of gender and science. Since many years she has been fostering a mutual scientific dialogue between life sciences and gender studies in order to enrich the professional approach of the different faculties. She is very experienced in transferring the difficult theoretical and methodological concepts of gender studies to biology and medicine, sciences and engineering. This interdisciplinary experience has recently been successfully reflected in the interdisciplinary research network GeUmGe-NET on Gender, Environment and Health (BMBF).


Dr. Katharina Jacke holds a doctorate in political science with a focus on gender studies. Since August 2017, she has been working as a research associate at the Gender & Science research unit at Humboldt University Berlin in the BMBF research project INGER. Her research focuses on gender and medicine/health sciences, science studies and the history of science in the natural sciences.