IPW Working Paper Series
Recently Published

Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Corona-Pandemie

Die kommunikative Vernetzung und Mobilisierung politischer Klimaaktivist*innen in Bremen. Eine qualitative Forschungsarbeit anhand des Fallbeispiels ?Ende Gel?nde Bremen“.

Germany's Climate Governmentality. How Mechanisms of Governmentality and Discipline Govern Carbon Conduct

Sehnsucht Normalit?t. Das rettende Ufer der Normalit?t und das revolution?re Potenzial in der "Corona-Krise"

Schlüssel zur Welt - Die bremischen H?fen in der Globalen Politischen ?konomie
About the Working Paper Series
The working paper series of the Institute of Political Science (IPW) enables the publication of excellent student papers, seminar results, or contributions on university didactics, which originated as part of a course of the Institute of Political Science. The working papers can explore topics related to political science broadly defined, from a theoretical, empirical, interdisciplinary and/or didactic perspective.
Authors of the working papers may be students, instructors, or students and instructors together. The peer review process will be carried out by experts from the Institute of Political Science.
Students and instructors from all study programs of the Institute of Political Science and in all stages of their studies/careers may submit a paper. Contributions may be written in German or English.
You can send us your working papers via email (cbonoraprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de) at any time (they will be selected on a rolling basis).
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Please submit your working paper as a Word document.
Please adhere to the following formal criteria:
- Cover sheet with the following information: Name and last name of all authors; title of the paper; course in which the paper was written.
- Line spacing in the text 1? lines, single-spaced in the footnotes.
- Font size: Times New Roman, 12 pt, in footnotes 10 pt (or equivalent).
- Margins: right and left 3 cm, top and bottom 2.5 cm
- Page numbers at the bottom right (cover page is not numbered)
- Justification, hyphenation
- Tables and graphs in the text must be numbered consecutively
- Bibliography at the end of the text according to the specifications of the compendium
Adherence to the rules of correct citation is required (see Compendium, pp. 19-28).
No maximum length is prescribed, it may vary depending on the format.
You may propose an expert from the Institute of Political Science to review your paper.