
20 Years of Future – this is the title of this issue of Yearbook which is now appearing for the 20th time. What ?expectations have the people connected to our University had over the past twenty years – and what do they think the future will bring? How did they experience the time from 1997 to 2007? What type of jobs did they have? What was the University of Bremen like at that time concerning their areas of work? This is what academics and employees of the University, its ?President and two of his predecessors, graduates, people from politics, business and culture tell us in a selection of short videos. Their statements have been illustrated in a graphic recording. All this awaits you on the following pages.


Watch the trailer for the yearbook interviews
Wei?er und schwarzer Schriftzug mit Zeichnung von Menschen

People from Politics and Society

Find out more about people from politics and society who have been associated with the University of Bremen over the years.

Wei?er und schwarzer Schriftzug mit gezeichnetem Geb?ude und Logo

Three Presidents

Three Rectors – 20 years of University history with Rector Bernd Scholz-Reiter and his two immediate predecessors Wilfried Müller and Jürgen Timm.

Wei?er und schwarzer Schriftzug mit gezeichnetem Globus und Wahlzettel

Social Sciences

Here you can see Professor Carina Schmitt and Professor Uwe Schimank from the social sciences.

Wei?er und schwarzer Schriftzug "Meereswissenschaften" mit gezeichnetem Schiffssteuerrad

Marine Sciences

Meet Professors Kai-Uwe Hinrichs and Gerold Wefer from the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen.

Wei?er und schwarzer Text mit Zeichnung einer Waage sowie den Symbolen für Mann und Frau.

Equal Opportunities

This is where Anneliese Niehoff, Head of the Equal Opportunities and Anti-discrimination Unit, and Professor Anna F?rster introduce themselves.

Wei?er und schwarzer Schriftzug "Informatik" mit Roboterzeichnung

Computer Sciences

Meet computer scientists Professor Kerstin Schill and Professor Johannes Sch?ning.

Humanities and the Liberal Arts

Learn more about the historian Professor Rebecca von Mallinckrodt and the linguist Professor Ingo H. Warnke.

Wei?er und schwarzer Schriftzug "Ingenieurwissenschaften" mit gezeichneten Zahnr?dern

Engineering Sciences

Find out more about the two engineering scientists, Professor Ekkard Brinksmeier and Professor Lutz M?dler.

20 years of future

In the making of this Yearbook’s feature theme “20 years of future”, we spoke with 20 personalities from politics, business, society and the University and asked: What were their expectations of the future in 1997 and 2007? And today, what do they think the future will bring? We held interviews in which they gave answers to these questions.

The Interviewees

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During the shooting the Yearbook editors asked the interviewees to show them their favorite locations on campus. For example: The campus boulevard, the cafeteria, the university library or the tram stop in Lise Meitner Strasse. A selection of video clips can be found on the University’s facebook page under "videos".