Art Education
Radio art

To development of a medium between aesthetics and socio-cultural impact
The project, which was realized in cooperation with the study center for Artists' Publications Weserburg, Bremen and the University of Cologne, is supported by the Volkswagen Foundation as part of the funding program "People and Structures | Research in Museums".
The research in the project refers to the special radio art collections in the study center for artists' publications Weserburg, which has the only major international collection of radio art of artists from all over Europe, America and Australia. On the basis of previously unavailable and unexplored acoustic art works, this project explores the emergence and development of international radio art.
Neither art-scientific nor media-scientific research has so far applied itself to radiophonic artworks in a systematic study. Even in the theoretical contexts and empirical studies on the subject of art and cultural mediation, no systematic research on the dimensions of knowledge of 'invisible', radiophonic art exists. The project deals with three fundamental questions from which the historical and current conditions of radio art are derived. These include the influence of technologies on radio art, its institutional context and power structures, as well as aspects and theories of mediation.
Sarah Rothe, M.A. and Prof. DR. Maria Peters at the Institute of Art History - Film Studies - Art Education at the University of Bremen supervise the subproject "Radio Art: Chances and Difficulties of Teaching". It explores the role of radio art in its social reception since its creation in the 1960s until today. It asks what opportunities and difficulties there are in communicating radio art in order to recognize where traditional methods of reception can be chosen with which knowledge gain and where new concepts of mediation have to be developed. In addition, investigative perspectives are the meaning of authorship and authenticity, of performativity, interaction and participation, as well as the question of how and with what effect the artwork emerges in the ear and the imagination of the audience.
Project periodt:
01.10.2011 - 30.09.2014
supoorted by Volkswagenstiftung
Prof. Dr. Maria Peters
mapetersprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Sarah Rothe, M.A.
kontakt.studienzentrumprotect me ?!weserburgprotect me ?!.de
in Cooperation with:
Weserburg - Museum für moderne Kunst, Bremen
Studienzentrum für Künstlerpublikationen
Dr. Anne Thurmann-Jajes
studienzentrumprotect me ?!weserburgprotect me ?!.de
Franziska Rauh, M.A.
projekte.studienzentrumprotect me ?!weserburgprotect me ?!.de
Universit?t zu K?ln
Philosophische Fakult?t
Kunsthistorisches Institut
Allgemeine Kunstgeschichte
Prof. Dr. Ursula Frohne
ursula.frohneprotect me ?!uni-koelnprotect me ?!.de
Tel.: +49 (0)221 470 3510
Jee-Hae Kim, M.A.
jee-hae.kimprotect me ?!uni-koelnprotect me ?!.de
Tel.: +49 (0)221 470 7741