Work Experience

Practice at B.A. Art - Media - Aesthetic Education (profile subject)

The examination regulations stipulate that a B.A. course of study Art - Media - Aesthetic Education as a profile subject requires at least a six-week internship. This corresponds to 240 hours, which can be distributed over a longer period in individual cases.

The following formal procedure is binding:

  • The internship is part of module 9. The organizers of the module are the supervisors who approve, prepare and accompany the intended internship.

  • In the practice office or on its homepage the form "Praktikumsvertrag" is available, which is filled in according to the company / institution in which the internship takes place. The contract is countersigned by the practice office. (it remains with the students and the internship institution).

  • The internship reports are received by the practice office, countersigned and forwarded to the supervising instructors. Deadline is normally 8 weeks after the end of the internship.

  • Part of the report is an evaluation.

  • The students receive the certificate of internship, which must be completed and signed by the internship institution, by the teacher after submission of the internship report and check for content and completeness.

  • For all questions concerning the organization of the internship, occurring problems, etc., the practice office is available to students, teachers and traineeships.


All forms are available under "Formalities" on the practice office website.


Student Resource Center

Offers for students:

  • Help with the preparation of the internship
  • A database of companies and institutions, sorted by subject
  • Support with questions and problems during the internship
  • First hints for an internship / study abroad
  • Information and assistance for vocational orientation

The expert committees Cultural Studies and Art History / Aesthetic Education have decided on a binding course of preparation and execution of the internship.

Contact presons:

Wiltrud Hoffmann, M.A.

Office: SFG 3090 
E-Mail: praxfb9protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 (0)421 218? 67510

Conversation at the stand.