Michel Grimm
Address: Max-von-Laue-Stra?e 1, 28359 Bremen
Building WiWi 2, Room F 2180
Email: michel.grimmprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66563
Curriculum Vitae
Current Position | |
Since May 2022 | Research Associate and PhD candidate at the Chair of Economics, esp. quantitative Macroeconomics, University of Bremen |
Education | |
10/2019 - 04/2022 | Master of Sciene in "Economics" Master thesis: “Estimating the Macroeconomic and Financial Effects of ECB Policy” Kiel University |
10/2016 - 09/2019 | Bachelor of Science in "Economics" Bachelor thesis: "Automation and growth" University of Bremen |