Admission / Application

The application for the study programme is made online via the application portal of the Student Secretariat.

The international study programme is offered every 2 years in English. The next start is in the winter semester 2026/2027. The application will be possible starting spring 2026.

The admission requirements for the Master's programme in Bremen are set out in the admission regulations for the Master's programme "Medical Biometry / Biostatistics" in Faculty 3 - Mathematics / Computer Science of the University of Bremen dated 19 May 2021. Admission requirements for the Master's programme "Medical Biometry / Biostatistics" are:

  • Successfully completed university studies corresponding to an above-average Bachelor's degree with at least 180 credit points (CP) according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in a mathematical/scientific discipline (e.g. mathematics, statistics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology) or medicine/health sciences/psychology.
  • A minimum of 9 CP in mathematics, stochastics or statistics with a minimum mark of 2.3, including at least 6 CP in the areas of stochastics or statistics. Proof of relevant knowledge acquired in this field in the context of further education, preliminary studies or professional practice may be recognized or credited.
  • English language skills at least equivalent to level C 1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Proof is also furnished if applicants have obtained their higher education entrance qualification or their last university degree in English. At the time of application, proof of English language proficiency must be provided that corresponds at least to level B 2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • A letter of motivation in English justifying the special interest in the course of studies.

Students should have a basic knowledge of mathematics, basic knowledge of statistics and an understanding of scientific methodology. Programming skills are desirable. A high interest in medical and biological aspects is expected.

In addition to the academic achievements, practical professional experience will also be included in the assessment process. As a requirement profile in terms of content, both basic knowledge of statistics and an interest in biomedical issues are in the foreground.