Dr.-Ing. Anne Geppert

Foto von Anne Geppert

Badgasteiner Stra?e 3
28359 Bremen

room FZ HB 1450


fon: +49 (0) 421 - 218 51231
e-mail: geppertprotect me ?!iwt-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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2019    Promotion  Dr.-Ing. in the field of aerospace engineering at the University of Stuttgart

2011    Diploma in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Stuttgart

2008  Pre-Diploma in General Mechanical Engineering at the University of Siegen

Professional Experience

2024    AWT – Association for Heat Treatment and Materials Engineering e.V. Personal Member


Research Interest

Mechanical Process Engineering, Atomization Technology, Experimental Multiphase Flows, Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics