Dr.-Ing. Nils Ellendt

Nils Ellendt

Badgasteiner Stra?e 1 (hall IW1&2)
28359 Bremen

room IW1 1010

fon: +49 (0) 421 - 218 64519
e-mail: ellendtprotect me ?!iwt.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Office hours:
by appointment




Google Scholar




2010      PhD in Production Engineering (grade: magna cum laude), University of Bremen
2003      Diploma in Production Engineering (grade: 1.5), University of Bremen
1999      Intermediate Diploma in Production Engineering, University of Bremen

Professional Experience

2016-21 Scientific Manager of collaborative research center 1232 “Farbige Zust?nde”
2003–11 Research assistant, Dept. Particle and Process Engineering, University of Bremen
2011–15 Research assistant, Dept. Chemical and Process Engineering, Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Bremen
2015–16 Scientific proposal coordinator for a new collaborative research center ?Farbige Zust?nde“,
               Dept. Chemical and Process Engineering, Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Bremen.

Research Interest

Single molten metal droplet generation and related processes; molten metal atomization and deposition; high-throughput methods for materials development; additive manufacturing; process and solidification modeling.


2017    Max Buchner Scholarship