Technical University of Berlin

At the Technical University of Berlin, the Center for Technology and Society is involved with Jochen Gl?ser as head of subproject 5 on the investigation of the consequences of inclusion restrictions for natural scientists in the GDR. Jochen Gl?ser and Grit Laudel from the Institute of Sociology (Department: Sociology of Technology and Innovation) are working on this subproject.

Prof. Dr. Jochen Gl?ser

Prof. Dr. Jochen Gl?ser

Lead of subproject 5

Center for Technology and Society

Room 5.07
Phone: +49 (0)30 314-24815
jochen.glaserprotect me ?!ztg.tu-berlinprotect me ?!.de

Grit Laudel

Dr. Grit Laudel

Research Associate

Sociology of Technology and Innovation

Room FH 819
Phone: +49 030 314 – 28871
grit.laudelprotect me ?!tu-berlinprotect me ?!.de

Caroline Bauer

Caroline Bauer

Research Associate (PhD Candidate)

Sociology of Technology and Innovation

Room FH 818
Phone: +49 030 314-27996
caroline.bauerprotect me ?!tu-berlinprotect me ?!.de



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